Reviews for Love always, Renesmee
chloeandalekforev chapter 14 . 8/17/2011
Update soon
cocopucks chapter 14 . 8/13/2011
please post more
Elli chapter 14 . 7/29/2011
This, for a fanfiction, is very well written. You kept to the origanal charactors quite well. Renesmee seemed to be alot like Bella, which I thought was cute. A couple of spelling mistakes here or there, but we all goof up sometimes. And I loved how their relationship was one of love more than lust. Well written for a fanfiction, all in all.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/23/2011
Hey I kno u haven't updated in a long time but I just stayed up reading all the chapters and I really think u should continue this becaus great writer:)
Katie7273 chapter 13 . 8/9/2010
Please update:) this is so cute
Katie7273 chapter 13 . 8/9/2010
Please update:) this is so cute
Laziesttiger chapter 6 . 8/1/2010
"I dont want a choice, I just want you" ... ? erm isnt that a choice?
Hans153 chapter 13 . 4/25/2010
Awesome chapter... FUCKING LOVE HEY MONDAY ! Run Don't Walk is probably my fave:) Anyways really looking forward to the next chapter :0)
Shadow Winds chapter 5 . 4/21/2010
Did you add Renesmee's gift at all?
Shadow Winds chapter 1 . 4/21/2010
Not bad but there are still a few mistakes. Anyway it sounds good so far.
Rose Demica chapter 13 . 4/20/2010
lol, awesome. :D
love lovestories chapter 12 . 4/10/2010
this is unbelievably cute...
Manasi chapter 12 . 4/10/2010
i totally love it !plz update soon...
Hans153 chapter 12 . 4/8/2010
Love it love it love it. Really looking forward to new chapter :0)
msr709 chapter 12 . 4/6/2010
Loving the sexual tension, we want MORE!
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