Reviews for Snow White and Her Prince Charming
alittlemadhatter chapter 17 . 4/17
you are such a gd story teller oh my god. just the way you subtly implemented factors of snow white into this. i didn’t even realise. i’m still reading the test but i love it so much already. thank you for the story
Sophisticated Sage chapter 28 . 11/19/2019
So...I guess Astoria and Gladys obviously being related isn’t going to be brought up? I still have yet to see the point of making Daphne and Astoria cousins instead of sisters by changing Astoria’s last name. It would not have altered the plot whatsoever. Also, the part where Gladys is somehow able to control Mrs. Granger by threat of heart attack is never explained either? It’s just thrown in there for convenience. Furthermore, can’t say I’m Draco’s biggest fan in this story. He switches from caring to cold just like that. I don’t feel like he would be so open with his emotions like that. Despite the plot holes, and strange actions of all the characters, I admire the premise. A muggle play of Snow White combined with Harry Potter equals a very interesting fanfic :) Kinda disappointed that the play never really happened though, it would have been super cool for them to have performed the play and then right after their costumes or something don’t go away. I can just imagine Ron freaking out over his beard not coming off XD, and the the story starts happening in real life. Nevertheless, I’m glad I clicked on this story :)
Guest chapter 8 . 11/12/2018
On the first bit of this chapter i was listening to o children by nick cave and it was so perfect
O-Hoshi chapter 28 . 1/3/2018
i love this story. all of iit oh my god. this is perfect. merlin, i cant get enough of this! the character progress and the characterisation is amazing. i love the plot. well done!
Guest chapter 11 . 9/19/2017
Guest chapter 6 . 9/19/2017
I love it
Dracohermionealways chapter 28 . 8/15/2017
Nicely done! All I can add is - Awww.. And they lived happily ever after.
maia osborne chapter 11 . 8/9/2017
i cried, although it may seem crazy. i know what it feels like to get the news that your mother has died, bit when you are older than 10 years old you have the happy memories to remember, all those happy times. my mother died when i was only three and i sometimes think that thatis a good thing but also i wished it could have happened later cuz i don't know her and i would have liked to know more about her, know what life would be with her; i live with 2 boys my father and my brother and it is obvious that they both hate me, i am bullied for my skin color and i know nothing about any girl stuff, as to say i don't have any knowledge about my period, or pregnancy, or relationships all that..., but my father does not care, he does not care about what happens to me or i do or anything. He says he saved me from drowning in a river but if he thinks that that is all he can care for me, i don't think so. For one crazy moment i felt as though i was hermione, i could see her memories. You look at and say oh she is strong but reality says no she is weak...
The Phoenix and Dragon chapter 19 . 6/11/2017
Wait, Astoria and the woman who Hermione's dad is remarrying are related; they both have the same last name (Winter); also Snow White was almost killed twice before the apple (with a sash tied too tightly around her waist and a magic comb) and the prince didn't kiss her, he Ickes her up and the apple fell out of her mouth saving her
Rosie chapter 6 . 5/14/2017
Your an amazing writer! I love it! #ISHIPDRAMIONE
uncoconut chapter 28 . 5/1/2017
This story was so good but I fucking hate the ending. He gets away scot-free and Hermione doesn't even make him work for it. There are really rare times when I hate the love interest. Malfoy needs a good slap in the face then maybe I'd be happy with the ending. But no. He didn't even bother to say sorry. Hermione has so little self respect like oh my god. What kind of dumb bitch would accept him after what he did. Hermione in this story, that's who. I could've put this in my fav if only malfoy didn't react so damn pathetically but fuck I wish Hermione had died just to see him miserable for the rest of his fucking life. Recommended until chapter 20. It's not worth reading after that.
uncoconut chapter 27 . 5/1/2017
I swear to fucking god malfoy needs to stop toying with her. im starting to not ship them together anymore. If malfoy doesn't admit his feelings for her then I hope to fucking god hermione dies one way or another permanently just so I could suck the happiness out of his body. Just so he could feel regretful and sad and guilty. I thrive on that shit. How dare he. How fucking dare he.
uncoconut chapter 26 . 5/1/2017
You know that Gladys lady is still alive and out there. Maybe she should pay hermione a visit and give another poison to kill her. This time she doesn't wake up. I want to see malfoy suffer. Fuck him for his cowardice. If she dies, he'll learn his lesson.
uncoconut chapter 25 . 5/1/2017
She pretty much murdered two people. First Hermione's mother then hermione. If this bitch isn't rotting in azkaban by the end of the next chapter just cos someone's controlling her I'm gonna cause a riot.
uncoconut chapter 12 . 4/30/2017
I hope her mum's not actually fucking dead or I swear I will scoop that muggle studies teacher's eyes out with a blunt spoon. What kind of bored, sadistic bitch uses her students just to entertain that empty hole where her heart is supposed to be. She better be rotting is a Laban by the end of this story.
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