Reviews for The Soloist
Rikuobsession chapter 1 . 8/19/2011
Oh dear god, YES! Please write more to this one. I'd like to know a little more about the past myself. And of course I'd like to know what happens next with their relationship.

Either way, if you decide to continue or not, this was epicly smexy! Have you considered being a romance novelist? I think you'd be excellent at it, who knows, maybe you'd be the first guyxguy romance author :) (no criticism from me, I think it's perfect)
ObesessiveShikaTemaFan chapter 1 . 5/1/2011


That was so incredibly well written. Seriously, ohmygod. You are SO talented. The descriptions, diolouge- everything was just WOW! I especially enjoyed the beginning, it was so cute! But the middle was fabulous. And so was the end. AHHHH IT WAS ALL SO GOOD! I hope you know how amazing and awesome you are :D Honestly, that story was PERFECT! Funny, sweet, smexeh, entertaining.. THE PLOT! AHH ZPMRJEKRHKEOMGWTFYES the plot! So amazing! I love their professional-relationship-that-goes-deeper dealy, and how clmusy Zexion is and you know what? This is the first zemyx story I've EVER read in which Demyx isn't the rockstar, Zex is! GRRR OMG YOUR SO AMAZING I LOVE YOU! I officially love you for writing this. It's OFFICIAL.

And read in the AN you were thinking of contiuing? GOGOGOG CONTINUE NOW! I would faithfully follow it and continue to love it with nearly every fiber of my being, I promise! EEEP it will be SOOO perfect!

Gaaah! Words can't adequetely describe my love for this story! CUZ THERES SO MUCH OF IT.

The amount of graditude I hold towards you for writing such magnificience/masterpiece is undying, unfaltering, and ohhhh-SO-abundant.


~ Cassidy :D 3

P.S.: You really should continue this. It'd make me the happiest person the whole wiiide world! Even a morning-after conclusion/assesment of Demyx's nose omake would be AWESOME! Yeah? Kthanksbye ily 3
RainbowYuki chapter 1 . 1/15/2010
HOLY FREAKIN' CRAP THAT WAS HAWTT! I think I almost passed out from blood loss!

You should totally write more of it! D:

ahaa clumsy Zexion is so CUTEE! 3 I just loved it! chapter 1 . 11/26/2009
That was so cute/erotic! One of the best Zemyx lemons I've ever read!
Keeper of Fatestones chapter 1 . 11/25/2009
A clumsy Zexy? I would've never thought of that. I'm happy that Dem wasn't sure if they should at first, because sometimes people do instant love... I believe in the instant love, but I don't like reading it personally, y'know? Goddess! I'm glad SOMEONE had the brains to lock the door! I agree with Bryan, BTW. Zexy is no longer a soloist! On a final note *no pun intended*, I personally would like it to stay a oneshot. However, I'm sure you have tons of ideas if you make it a full story. Either way, Great read and keep up the good work!


-dissapears in a burst of flame-
H3manga00 chapter 1 . 11/22/2009
Wow. Intense ending. I really liked it, and you should make it into a story. But what you should be afraid of when you actually write the story is that you find a good plot to use in it. could use this of more of a prologue, then continue the story during their vacation? I don't know. It's a suggestion. Love it. And if you do update it, can't wait!
Ayden Silverflame chapter 1 . 11/21/2009
it was god! but umm what happened to the one part, and the other part, and the soup in the one thing? - i liked it, i think it got repetitivie with the sexy all the time but thats all kool, lol. um um the whole story is great, and i like the clumsy Zexion alot!
EvilScotsman chapter 1 . 11/21/2009
“It does seem like that sometimes doesn’t it? Don’t worry though I will always be there to catch you, you know that right?” - I love that line.

Well I think I saw a spelling mistake or two, but after I read the story, I lost them so yeah, no biggie.

Ok, I really like this, nice original story, Zexion being clumsy was a nice touch, and added some good humor, that one could expext from a couple's first.

It's good that Demyx's stalker-ness paid of, and that the guy he fell in love with at first sight, returns his affections. It would suck to be so close to the one you love, but the other party have no idea what is going on, which seems the case for the past, however long Demyx and Zexion were working together, until this episode.

This was some good smut, but with some love, which is always welcome.

I think you could/should continue on this later, maybe adding some before, in addition to after this, just to set this up, and make it have even more meaning. This can be really good if you continue. Then again it's fine just being by itself.

You really have a talent to not only writing, but writing lemons too.

I enjoyed it, it was sweet, and had good yaoi, but more importantly, to me anyway, it was sweet. Like how Zexion all of the sudden saw Demyx in a new light, that could be a good revision. The light crew guy/girl moving the light away from the place on the stage, and the light hits Demyx and Zexion has like and "OH WOW!" moment, idk, just a thought.

But yeah I like it, keep up the great work.

The Soloist, is now part of a Duet WHOOSH!

I find that poetic. _