Reviews for Music Melodies
abcalfs chapter 3 . 12/31/2013
Where have you been all this time? It is four years already :(. Will you come back for your hiatus? Argghhhh come back please and update all of your stories :(
mochi1412 chapter 6 . 7/12/2011
Very interesting! Why do i keep having this nagging suspicion that Aoko was facing Kaito instead of Shinichi? I mean that card Kaito's trademark right? And Ran..she was facing a messy haired Shinichi? many twists XD

I wonder why Kaito and Shinichi switched? Interesting.*Thinking pose*



(I know this is on hiatus..*sniffles* but still..i have to at least try..)
edogawafirli chapter 6 . 9/4/2010

Aku tahu kau hebat dalam membuat fanfic, semuanya bagus, tapi kenapa tidak semuanya diuat ke versi inggris dan Indo? beruntung aku bs baca bahasa inggris, yg lain? CMIIW
Naomi Takahashi chapter 6 . 6/1/2010
i am hoping for the next chapter...
Saiyajin-Ohime-Thunder chapter 6 . 12/18/2009
So Sweet, Great and cool chapter.

I can imagine it well.

I like Ran and Aoko work together.

It's so good. Update.

Take Care!~ Haibara Kawaii.
Saiyajin-Ohime-Thunder chapter 5 . 12/18/2009
When I looked at the title "Kill?"

Something was just went through my head.

Is there any crime? Well, after I read I think I never ever heard an answer from Gin "No. Later.". LOL.

I think he was to he was easy to kill someone.

Well, I'm looking for next chapter.


Take Care!~ Haibara Kawaii.
Saiyajin-Ohime-Thunder chapter 4 . 12/18/2009
Whoa! I love this chapter.



Take Care!~ Haibara Kawaii.
Saiyajin-Ohime-Thunder chapter 3 . 12/18/2009
I like it.

btw, it's getting interesting.

I'm looking for the next chapter.

Well, I didn't notice anything wrong so keep it up.

Take Care!~ Haibara Kawaii.
Saiyajin-Ohime-Thunder chapter 2 . 12/18/2009
hi!~ I come for reviewing.

I like the chapter 2.

Aoko was crying? And this chapter was so sad...

Man... I used to many tissue to cry... *sob* *sob*

*skipping the not important action*

Well, update okay? I'm curious.

Take Care!~ Haibara Kawaii.
topaz-tantei chapter 6 . 12/17/2009
Great! I can't wait for the next chapter! Hope it comes soon... -

fanaa chapter 6 . 12/17/2009
Oh, you finished that chapter in that moment... I can't wait to see what will happen next.

Sure, I doubted that both of them, even cooperating, would be able to escape by themselves. But I'm glad that they tried, 'cause it would be in their characters. I think. I mean it would be very strange if both of them would wait patiently for rescue. But you're right, two girls weren't good match to BO, so I'm glad that you made FBI involved. I like that chapter and I'm really curious what would you do next.

Oh, it really was Kudou Shinichi, who helped Aoko...? I wasn't sure if it wasn't maybe Kaito in disguise... Though even if Kaito would disguised himself as Shinichi, I couldn't see any purpose why Shinichi would look like Kaito...
MyMelo chapter 5 . 12/9/2009
Wow this looks very exciting! Can't wait for the next chapter! And I'd just like to say thank you for favouriting all of my stories _
fanaa chapter 5 . 12/9/2009
I like that chapter. It was short, that's true, but it was like prelude to some longer, interesting story with action and adventure. I hope that you will relaxed yourself enough to enjoyed writing again.

I'm really curious what boys would be thinking when they saw that Rand and Aoko wouldn't appear on their rehersal. And I'm little bit curious if Ran and Aoko would be able to escape by their own. I must said that I like the idea of being rescued by those one who they love, but I prefer that they would try to escape by their own. Just try, they don't have to manage. Well it's author's vision, so I won't complaining in any case :)

I wish you to your writer's energy get back soon, 'cause that would mean quick update :D

Oh, and you said that you're done with exams, so I hope all of them went smoothly :)
Caramel27 chapter 1 . 11/26/2009
hi, this is my first review

i really liked the current chapter(as well as the other chapters) and i hope that you would update ASAP.
Miss Raindrops chapter 4 . 11/25/2009
i really LOVE this story. update ASAP, will you?
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