Reviews for Solivagant
pistonsfan75 chapter 3 . 11/6/2015
Sad, but loved it!
OldFashionedGirl95 chapter 3 . 5/22/2012
Wow. A touching exploration of an intriguing premise. More and more, I can't quite see them marrying in Narnia.

I like the first chapter better than the second or third, but it's well done.
MCH chapter 3 . 5/20/2012
Read all 3 chapters. The burden of Kings a bitter-sweet story of necessarlty finding what was best for the kingdom in defence commerce law. They all the King and Queens sacrificed so much for Narnia and Isobel got caught up in that and never stopped mourning her husband and the price she and Peter Edmund Susan and Lucy had paid.

A beautifully written story and you used just the right amount of words and chapter to express you story..
A friend chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
Wow. So beautiful. So sad. So true. Well done.
rthstewart chapter 1 . 2/23/2012
Very well done and insightful, and yes, sad, but then everyone leaves and everyone dies and she is alone, so perhaps being alone even before he leaves makes sense. I admit this is very, very consistent with my own head canon of Peter who loves his country, subjects, and family so well, a smart woman realizes that maybe there isn't much left for her, for just one woman.

I'd like to get a little into his head too, in this vision. Was he looking for the one true love - or was it more utilitarian? Must get heir, must find wife. Are there other consorts?

Sad and grim and very, very well written. Thank you for sharing this idea and vision.
Valiant Me chapter 1 . 4/30/2011
seems like today was a day for me to read all of your stories and keep on loving them

the same think always bothered me about edmund and peter and ocs not only the mary sues but the whole irreality of the situations this was very very well done :)
stopstalking chapter 2 . 1/3/2010
usually I can't handle any romanticism in the CoN relm but this is most definitely an exception. I like the twist with the brothers, haven't even tried a Peter or Edmund/ OC. (to be honest, I thought it was slash...) I'm really interested in the conclusion. *dun dun dun* (hope you can make Edmund and peter make up... too hopeful?)
333333o33333333o chapter 1 . 1/2/2010
this is very perceptive, very well written, and very sad. and it rings true. pass, i'd say. most definitely a pass.
Shizuku Tsukishima749 chapter 2 . 1/2/2010
Wow...this is GORGEOUS!

Gosh, I wish I could write like this! U It's so beautiful!

It is for this reason alone, I think, the Pevensies didn't get married in the books. They were ruling a country jointly; they had no time to be worrying about other halves. Yes, it may have been nice, but this is the exact reason they didn't. Thank you for making this known.

I don't believe Edmund would ever take his brother's wife, alive or dead, but it's a very good plot twist nonetheless. Poor Isabel, too, being wrapped up in all of this simply because the High King married her. :(

Rock on! Can't wait for the next part! U *U*

Ever-so sincerely signed,

Shizuku Tsukishima749 :D ;D :) ;)
talchi chapter 2 . 1/1/2010
OK before I review: I don't know if you know but there is a slight error in your story summary: extra "the", but within the story itself your grammar is excellent.

Great story... I agree that I have read way too many happy ending peterxoc. The main character (Isabel) is realistic and subtly imperfect, and the other characterizations are pretty spot on. Although I'm not sure if Edmund would actually go so far as to sleep with his dead brother's wife... still, I enjoyed this story! Keep writing I can't wait for the last part :)
aisarete chapter 1 . 11/20/2009
PASS. PASSPASSPASSPASSPASS. It seems so honest and true, the words won't even come to describe it. Quite simply, I love it. While I can't imagine this in the original Naria (your writing style is deliciously different from Lewis'), I can see this as a companion story to the original without a doubt. I eagerly await the next part!