Reviews for Push
Music-To-Write chapter 1 . 5/2/2011
I love stories that hold truth in them. Sometimes the bitter ones get through to people more than the fluffy love-saturated ones. I really like how you capture what a ninja should be, which is what other people tend to forget; most times people need to have things shoved in their face before they get it and that is exactly what this is. :) Great job in the way it's written, and a good message sent. I really enjoyed it, (not that it matters since I'm one of like, a million). But none-the-less I had to review. Thanks for reading this whole paragraph! :D
dazynl8 chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
I feel so mean! I haven't reviewed in ages! But I'm back now and will finish going through your stories again.

I always love reading your stories and finding out what similes and metaphors you have in store. They're always so original and fitting.

Anyhoo, loved it - as always! _
rezmutt chapter 1 . 10/16/2010
this is such a good fic. excellent flow and dialogue. i like how u add hinata in there but with out a lot of explanations. u can see what is happening
nickule chapter 1 . 4/12/2010
again great story and i so want to read another story of yours right now but i must go to the bank aghh! but i will be back later to read the rest of your story! is it bad when you have to say in your head 'hit the little x at the top of the page come on you can do it' lol any way i will read the rest of them when i get done with my chores today blah but any way great work i love all your stories so far such great writing!
CharlieBrownLover21 chapter 1 . 12/3/2009
hogwartshoodlum chapter 1 . 11/21/2009
Cute. I don't know why you're so angsty lately but at least this one turned out cute. I'd like to see one where they are a little happier though lol. :) Good job babe. Keep it up. and p.s. I love that song.
Kagomaru chapter 1 . 11/18/2009
I don't have a lot to say, I find it hard to comment on one-shots, but this was lovely. You have the type of writing style that I would love to see more of. I would be blissful if you were to write a chapter story using KakaSaku... but in any case, this is a very nice addition to the genre. _v
static-harmony chapter 1 . 11/18/2009
Ah, gotta love Matchbox Twenty. Just have too. D I love it dear, it was perfect. So beautiful. I didn't expect those to be who you killed. Very wonderful.
equivalent exchange chapter 1 . 11/18/2009
Nice. I like how you added Hinata as a sort of voice of reason, and how it's Kakashi comforting Sakura, not the other way around.
MnM chapter 1 . 11/18/2009
That was very sweet! I liked it a lot.

Your writing style was good, and you seem to be doing well with narrative (which was always my weakness) so good job!