Reviews for BUFFY Meets STAR TREK
Lerris chapter 40 . 3/22/2018
This is pretty good overall though I would leave off showing Star Trek as TV in the end...
tropp chapter 40 . 10/13/2014
A fantastic tale and a truly enjoyable experience reading it. I agree with you that your backstory for the first slayer is better than the one introduced in the series. You a have "quirky" sense of humor that is appreciated and very true to both shows, I'm impressed.
Team503 chapter 40 . 7/27/2014
This is is the worst titled fic ever. It is also incredibly great read, and I loved it!
MasterXMaster chapter 40 . 5/29/2014
Beautiful fic!
anothergoneagain chapter 1 . 1/13/2013
Hell, I haven't read one word of this story but after reading,"A Disgusted Readers" reviev, I had to read it. Hell, you should make that your profile! Anyone who pisses off crazp people that much is bound to be entertaining!
Anne-Marie chapter 40 . 6/27/2011
Neat story! I loved all of the mythology you pulled in, Klingon, the Angel stories. Great job! :)
Deritine chapter 4 . 1/11/2010
There are all these little parts that make me crack up. But your title is in serious need of help... oh wells. You have the different ways of talking down really well. And I loved that they almost spaced Spike!
Marcus S. Lazarus chapter 40 . 1/19/2009


Blending two such different series’ together alone would earn you points, but the sheer scale of the subsequent crossover you created- going up against an evil so powerful that the first spell was written for the SOLE purpose of keeping the thing contained for all eternity- was BRILLIANT.

Your perfectly capture the feel of both shows without ever detracting from either as they deal with their greatest challenge, Buffy and her friends facing a threat that operates on a SCALE they could never have imagined (Saving a planet is one thing, but saving the UNIVERSE is something else), while Picard and his crew have to oppose a nightmare of a KIND that they have never experienced (Fighting aliens might be similar to fighting demons- both aren’t exactly ‘human’-, but it’s far from being the SAME thing).

Each group of characters might, to a greater or lesser extent, be HOPELESSLY out of their depth, but they each successfully come together to turn the tide of battle despite all that; both the space and ground battles were perfectly written, creating a confrontation of exceptional scale for both groups to confront (Particularly when “Enterprise” lose a nacelle; in my book, anything that can do THAT kind of damage is DEFINITELY bad news).

Your various ideas for ‘blending’ the two worlds together as each group learns about the other’s methods also worked very well. I wasn’t sure about Xander’s unwillingness to be transported- personally I’d think that something like that was really rather cool-, but his moments on the “Rutherford” as he interacted with the crew certainly worked out well enough for all that.

And as for your use of ‘technobabble’ (Or should that be ‘mysticbabble’, regarding the spell to summon the Sorcerer)…

VERY well-written and thought-out, to say the least; you clearly put a great deal of thought into both Willow correcting LaForge while he was repairing the power conduits and the ritual Willow, Giles and Anya used to both contain and banish Darkness (Nice touch with his defeat in the end, by the way; weaken the guy by technically giving him what he wants).

You even managed to work in some very amusing moments amidst the chaos of the current crisis; the part when the “Enterprise” crew put Spike in a torpedo because they thought that he was dead alone was HILARIOUS, to say nothing of Willow getting embarrassed at Riker checking her out or Xander panicking about what Troi might have ‘picked up’ from his mind while he was in her presence.

And as for that bit at the end… when Willow revealed to Data that the only way ‘Darkness’ could have taken him over was if he had a soul himself...

The PERFECT conclusion, really; after everything that Darkness had made him do since it arrived in this reality, it’s good to know that he can at least depart with final confirmation that he IS truly alive.

True, I thought the ‘Special Feature’ at the end, along with the scenes showing Angel Investigations coming to Sunnydale to try and fight Glory, were a bit pointless- given that time travel erased Angel’s fight with Glory there seemed little point in writing it-, but, in the end, the Angel scenes did provide an intriguing look at how things might have gone in another time, so in the end I feel comfortable enough ignoring the ‘Special Feature’ and just enjoying the main plot.

(On a significantly more minor note, the “Doctor Who” comparison the gang made regarding Giles’ technicolor outfit in Chapter 27 would have made more sense if it was COLIN Baker rather than TOM Baker they were comparing him to, given that Colin’s Doctor was the one who wore the multicoloured coat while Tom’s only had the multicoloured SCARF)
Spike-Big-Bad chapter 40 . 8/22/2008
Well, I don't know what these flamers are thinking of below this review, but that a tremendous crossover that delved into the ideas of a wholly scientific society being thrust into the world of the supernatural.

All of the characters were completly in character and I must admit that it has kept me reading in earnest.

This was a great read and extremely graphic at points, such as the death scene of one Riley Finn... I thought the story was going to be rated M after that scene. That is by no means a criticism, but more of a surprised reaction.

Anyway, I must be off.
A disgusted reader chapter 40 . 6/3/2008
Ah Jonathan, Jonathan, you had to fill the arks of cr*p of this cr*ful site with your no-nonsense tale, I feel so sorry for losers like you who cannot see beyond their own noses and fall into the simplest merchandising's traps by following a show of stoopid teens directed to... stoopid teens like yourself. How do you think it was so easy for Courtney Love to get away with Kurt's death, how do you think O.J. did what he did? Because of non-thinking a-holes such as you mister who don't give a damn about real life, why don't you send Fluffy to the Indian Rim to help the victims of the quake, or to Burma to overthrow the militars? Why not sned her to Sudan to bring hope? Because she cannot, all she can do is to kill, she's an animal and as an animal she will die in my fics.
Arkeus chapter 8 . 11/16/2007
Cool, some willow action, though i do am wary of willow using magic in a bad way, as it tends to happens in her more naive days.
Arkeus chapter 4 . 11/16/2007
And Data is Evil! Right?

Shudder. Some great moment there, the explaining wasn't that awkward.
Arkeus chapter 3 . 11/16/2007

This is quite the fun beginning so far.

To hoping ti won't be too buffy centric :-)
harsens-rob chapter 7 . 9/28/2007
I loved this chapter! It was intriguing and exciting and left at a great point. The characters are all sounding like themselves, which if you read a lot of fanfic, you know is no small thing. Makes me want to jump to the next chapter IMMEDIATELY. But I just had to leave a comment first. :-)
Samael3 chapter 27 . 6/4/2007
Well Jonathan, you ended this tale in a maze of rage and now you're dusted and forgotten in virtual space which by the way is more magical than any "magick" BTVS has. Perhpas if you've heared me...
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