Reviews for A Much Smaller Container
greengirl82 chapter 1 . 1/7/2011
i love any part of NCIS where Ziva and Tony are together in a scene... it was funny with McGee when they were trapped in the elevator but it would of been better had it been Tony... just sayin ;)
Silvergrass chapter 1 . 11/18/2009
aww really sweet.

lol how they started to yell for gibbs at the same time.
just-off-the-key-off-reason chapter 1 . 11/18/2009
Great story, I like it a lot.
cemeteriesoflondon chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
This was what the last episode needed. Not a lot of action between them, just ANY form of TIVA, really. Having a lot in one episode then getting my hopes up all week... I'll stop. Just thought I should say how cute this little piece was.

Also - Bitter and Blue? Love it. Not what I'd usually listen to but since it's Michael Weatherly... I'm voting for a musical episode, not unlike the Scrubs episode. There are enough singers in the NCIS cast. ;) Seriously, though, I wish they'd get MW to sing on the show, too.