Reviews for Bets
KennyXKyle luva chapter 1 . 9/26/2012
BWAHAHAHAHA. Oh my god. Thank god i put down my soda, woulda spit it all over the screen at this. OH KYLE U ROCK
Anon chapter 1 . 8/12/2012
pinecat chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
all i have to say is...LOL freack'en LOL!
Mrs. Scott Kennedy chapter 1 . 8/4/2010
It was okay, but it was weird that Kyle embraced the whole 'bet' thing so well. At first he was pretty against it, then he just went along with it. I guess that's with seeing Kenny's reaction. It was a good ending though, and it was cute. Congrats on writing it with a broken spacebar "
daverezi chapter 1 . 1/26/2010
Dude, what you said about Wendy and Kyle both having boners for Stan... that seriously made my day. xD

Ilovedthis. 3
NightingaleLost chapter 1 . 1/17/2010

oh damn, i just died laughing!

awesome kyle, i love you!

yeah, frakin' sweet, dude. total fav.
ladyccino chapter 1 . 12/15/2009
is that how Kenny dies? :o

too bad there's no SMEX.

kyleisgod chapter 1 . 11/19/2009
I've got good and bad things to say about this story. I'll start with the bad so that I can end on a positive note.

First, I'm confused. Stan's biggest crap ever was what Kenny had to retrieve? That's gross, and besides, why would Stan follow in his dad's footsteps like that? I know it didn't really matter to the plot that much, but I feel like you could've come up with something a bit better and less disgusting for the "impossible" item Kenny had to get.

I feel that Kyle jumped back and forth between acting like a girl and acting like a boy. It's very hard for girls to write boys and vice-versa. I see a lot of girl!Kyle on here so don't take it too personally.

There were a few spelling errors.

On the positive side, I think you did a better job of keeping Kyle in-character than most others do. Yours at least jumped back and forth. Most people just write Kyle as if he were a girl and that's it. With a little work I think you can get the hang of writing boys. :)

I agree with you that kyle and Wendy would be friends. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it.

Lastly, though I'm not a fan of crossdressing!Kyle, you did at least give him a sexy outfit to wear and the slash was quite good for what it was. You write it well. I just wish you'd include more smut next time. Funny ending too. Kyle got his payback. That was clever and unexpected.

Keep on writing. You can only improve.