Reviews for Captive
sarah chapter 21 . 6/17/2019
2 years :'(
blue-azul-acero chapter 21 . 6/2/2019
has some time that I do not write often happens but that does not mean I have forgotten this great fanfic I imagine that just like me you also walk with your hands busy, work, the time that remains is very difficult to write and more if you have left for a long time ...

But I hope that when you can resume it, you have some free time and most importantly the inspiration I like the Kenyako I always like is my favorite couple of all digimon and they are the only ones officially married by TK and by the manga also XD but good and I'll leave you open so I think Sora and Matt split up like their parents because they do not see the end of the ending like you see Ken with Miyako but well that's another thing I hope you continue with this fanfic I want to see that more will happen with them two
azul-acero chapter 21 . 5/26/2019
I hope you can continue what is difficult and time does not give us and sometimes the imagination and inspiration go but I hope you can follow it is a shame not to be able to read it already finished
blue-azul-acero chapter 21 . 3/13/2019
Hello here happening so you know that I have not stopped reading this fanfic I hope you continue it soon I would like to see what else will happen in your relationship
ivy chapter 21 . 1/6/2019
I'm going to cry if this story reaches the 2 years with no update mark. :(
Best digimon/kenyako story on this website.
Sarah chapter 21 . 9/11/2018
I've been reading this story since I was 16 years old. I just turned 26 and I'm still obsessed with it, it's that good. Plzzzzzzzz update soon! I'm dying for the next chapter to come out, I literally need this xd
TheJauntyJabberwock chapter 21 . 7/23/2018
That’s not an ending! If we pout enough will you write another chapter? XD
I kid, I know it doesn’t work that way. But for real this was incredibly well done. :)
TheJauntyJabberwock chapter 4 . 7/22/2018
I LOVEhow good you are with emotion. They both feel so delightfully fleshed out, and the internal struggles are so believable and relatable in how they’re written. Definitely will keep reading. :)
Blue-azul-acero chapter 21 . 1/19/2018
How are you? I hope that as always leaving a comment you know I can only leave one connected and the others I'm not connected, I do not have to leave the new post, I have to do it offline, I hope you can update it, I really love this kenyako fanfic I like it a lot and more how you propose the way of being of ken / kaiser is great

each chapter has been great to see how they began to gather and to feel after all is very cold and distant again to feel that it is attraction makes it a little more human, I love seriously follow it soon
blue-azul-acero chapter 21 . 11/12/2017
how are you ? I hope everything is fine and you know here as always leaving my review so you know that I'm still aware of your fanfic I love Kenyako and yours is the best I've read in FF I really love it I want to know what else will happen please continue when you can
blueazulacero chapter 21 . 10/5/2017
Hello how are you ? time without leaving a review but good I have a reason for that took a long time to repair my Lap as it is a very bieja lap of about 12 years it was difficult to get the pieces but I was persistent and finally found the pieces now I can go back to leave reviews the bad only one with my active account and the other disconnected since it only allows 1 for each chapter I hope you continue soon this fanfic is still my favorite
Sarah chapter 21 . 6/22/2017
Amazing as always! (: PLsssss don't make me wait another year for the next chapter! I just can't wait to read how Ken is gonna react to Miyako's choice!
blueazulacero chapter 21 . 6/19/2017
kawaiiiiiiii Great as always I love it if it is, I'm really happy that you update and I want to see it happen later
Ai Star chapter 21 . 6/19/2017
Oh wow and she is gone!
anonymous chapter 20 . 6/9/2017
I found this a few days ago and all I can say is that I love this story! I'm glad that you seem to still be writing for it. Ken and Miyako are such an interesting couple. Really like your take on them. 3
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