Reviews for YuGiOh! GX: Duel Academy Stories
Master Of Anime224 chapter 10 . 6/11
Claudio: hold on a second I need to tune to E flat before I activate this spell card
And then finally... OH BOY YOU GOT ANOTHER THING COMING. Side note, I swear that was The End Complete III when I first read this, which seemed pretty fitting but oh well, every Coheed song is a banger
Master Of Anime224 chapter 9 . 6/11
I absolutely love the fact that the dub skates over Chumley's dad being a complete fuckin' drunk with HOT SAUCE. Gets me every time.
Master Of Anime224 chapter 8 . 6/11
Duelists gathered in their masses... just like gamers at black masses. Then SHAROONNNN just makes it. And of course the HBK nod.
Claud really doesn't like people overlapping with his character, huh?
Master Of Anime224 chapter 7 . 6/11
Whatever Li's playing, the likelihood is that it starts with a C#. I can basically hear Sam Totman screaming C SHARP as he starts ripping out the solo.
Li: I know the fucking chords you *Blade Skater starts attacking" oh crap.
Not so much when there's added content like this one, but for the duel in the last chapter (forgot to put it there) it does baffle me a bit seeing the duels from the anime just rehashed in prose. Like, if we hadn't seen it we wouldn't be here (I say that but after watching the Japanese raws I'm now reminded of some of the hilarious 4Kids dialogue and oh god the fansubs).
And this is probably my nowadays very dirty adult mind working here but there was some very specific imagery when Melody mentioned whipping Claud into shape. MasterofAnime224, turning innocence into innuendo since 2015. I'm here on Thursdays
Master Of Anime224 chapter 6 . 6/11
BYE BYE STRIKER, DON'T BOTHER TO WRITE. Dude's never having kids after that boot.
As a note, though I love the story and this isn't a pro writer's convention, these earlier entries could probably do with a proofreading brush. The errors aren't exactly egregious, just noticeable.
Master Of Anime224 chapter 5 . 6/11
Is it wrong that when Titan says "In the shadows" I instantly got the Rasmus playing in my head? I'd say you should make a Spotify playlist for all the songs in the story but me and my co-writer did that for all the themes we chose, even the as of yet unreleased stuff, and it took HOURS.
Also love how in the space of 6 lines Melody goes from dominant to damsel in distress. And still telling dude she's gonna break his legs. I like this girl
Master Of Anime224 chapter 4 . 6/10
Never mind being a liar, Little Winguard looks like he's gonna end up on the dinner table. And seeing Claudio refer to people as 'little guy' after being described as 6'5" just makes me think "but everyone's little to him...". Also round of applause for Lemmy finally getting to fight, and Syrus asking if Chazz's turn is gonna end anytime this century seems kinda ironic given the state of the meta for the last... well, forever.
Master Of Anime224 chapter 3 . 6/10
It's always worth remembering that Slash originally stole that hat. Also, as someone who writes a story that just barely takes itself seriously, I have to apllaud the occasional self-awareness of the prose. "vic- I mean candidate" got me chuckling.
I'm probably gonna just put little thoughts like these on every chapter I can to pad your review count, cause I'm nice like that. Stay awesome man
Master Of Anime224 chapter 2 . 6/10
2 and a half seasons followed by years of not reading and getting back into it and only now have I realised that Claudio Osborne is a combination of Claudio Sanchez and Ozzy Osborne. Yeah. Also, on the topic of the Claud, dunno if I ever thanked you for this story introducing me to Coheed & Cambria, they're now my favourite band and I need that Neverender to cross the pond xD
Master Of Anime224 chapter 1 . 6/10
I have no idea why I stopped reading this, honestly, you're a damn good writer. I'm not gonna criticise anything purely because there's so damn much after this that you can't have not improved and I've left plenty of criticisms in reviews before... years ago... I regret stopping.

Basically I'm just here to say that you're a good writer and Imma catch my ass up with this entire thing, and probably mark out when I see my Green Day cards again (seriously those guys were dope). And to be cheeky and say that if you have the time and inclination, I'd really appreciate you checking out my own original Yu-Gi-Oh! universe. It's OC based and currently has 3 ongoing works (one is written by someone else) and we could use the feedback. Obviously I'm gonna keep reading whether you do it or not but hey, never hurts to ask, right?
warriorofdark chapter 71 . 8/30/2019
Finally i managed to get through the distractions and finish this story. You had some incredible duels in this story. My favorite duel in this story was Jaden Claudio and Kenji facing off with Kagemaru. Wasnt expecting a 3-1 duel. Admittedly a lil disappointed that Kagemaru didnt summon the sacred beast fusion Armityle the chaos phantom.

Now off to start year 2.
warriorofdark chapter 32 . 2/12/2018
Nice work man. I enjoyed seeing relinquished and thiousoand eyes restrict. (well reading but you get the point)
horsechick27 chapter 3 . 1/4/2018
I love Claudio's cards! It was really fun to read the duel and see Aerosmith and Slash being brought to life. I love rock and Aerosmith is one of my favorites. I have not gotten very far in this story but it would it be cool to see Stevie Nicks incorporated as a monster. Fleetwood Mac is a personal favorite of mine as I grew up with them.
DarkMaster1117 chapter 49 . 12/18/2017
Awesome! I want to talk to the creators of alister gates and melody hikari
Rohan RookeWoode chapter 71 . 11/17/2017
Hello I would just like to say I love your work it is amazing and want you and all the others involved in this story and wonder if you plan to make a sequal to this marvolous story
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