Reviews for The Fourth Estate
tazdad47 chapter 1 . 6/19
Love the story, long time no updates, please consider finishing. Your talent is wasted if you just leave your projects hang unfinished. tazdad47
babiluv22 chapter 20 . 12/18/2019
Will be on the look out for more
Gina chapter 20 . 8/26/2018
This is a brilliant story!

Sending well wishes for your health and chocolate for your muse. I'm also bookmarking it just in case ;-)
Magic29 chapter 20 . 12/20/2017
Think harry should find out about dumbledore useing the potter vault for the order and stop it Please Update Soon
lmill123 chapter 20 . 10/3/2017
I just finished reading what you have written so far on this story and I love it. I hope you will decide to continue it sometime in the future.
Chosen-One-92 chapter 2 . 7/11/2017
Treated like shit by family to the point that you character is visibly malnourished, socially stinted and alone. Pay 'family' £75,000 for the privellage. No thanks, think i'll stop here.
Bronze chapter 20 . 2/21/2017
I've just finished reading what you posted and totally enjoyed it. It's really too bad that you never finished it though. I was looking forward to reading Dumblefutz's reaction to learning that his little house of cards came tumbling down because of Harry. Of course he'd have to suspect something was if when he went to steal more gold from the Potter vaults he wasn't on the list to be able to withdraw any. The old Dumb-As-A-Brick is a lying thief after all. He's had how many years to actually do something about truly stopping Tommy and his Death Eaters. Yet done nothing of any real value against them. After Tommy's fall in '81 Dumblefutz along with his cronies could've put a stop to any easy come back by forcing all the captured to prove their claims under truth serum. But instead he allowed them to get off with lies and bribes. So with that type of leadership, how could he be the leader of the light? Dumblefutz isn't much of a mentor either. Never has he done ANYTHING to actually safeguard Harry. He turned a blind eye to all the abuse at #4 and arranged for life or death traps at school. Thus he makes an extremely poor magical guardian.
jchangpa chapter 14 . 9/24/2016
Well it was too good to be good at all, leaving anything to killers, rapist and morons is really bad. Leaving anything to Ron was bad, but leave anything to the worst of the child abuser was worst. This is bad and so the story is bad. Do not bother to answer anything, defending or making child abuser and rapist look as good people is bad.
Warlok chapter 20 . 10/21/2015
Some of the speech seems a bit off, and the beginning was personally a little rough for me (not in terms of writing, just my own likes), but I'm most sad that it ends before the real fun kicks off!

Great story. On a 5-star scale: 4
Guest chapter 20 . 7/19/2015
Guest chapter 2 . 2/24/2015
Girls hitting/punching Harry? So unacceptable. How would Hermione react if one of her friends did it to her? She wouldn't allow it, and Harry shouldn't either. I have no idea why this has gotten so widespread in fics, but it's not cute at all, in fact it's a big turnoff.
powermachine79 chapter 20 . 2/9/2015
great story hope to read more in the future or if you don't feel like continuing hope someone picks it up

either way great job on the writing :)
gcomyn chapter 20 . 12/22/2014
this is a great story! hope to see more of it soon!
Philosophize chapter 20 . 12/2/2014
Please don't abandon this...
kaws chapter 20 . 8/20/2014
I'm sad you didn't continue this one. I thought it was nice.
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