Reviews for Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Stephan Grundy chapter 11 . 4/22/2019
If it weren't for the disclaimer, I would think Jim Butcher was writing fanfiction under a pseudonym! Splendid job of capturing style, characters, and world; and an exciting plot as well.
janefanatic chapter 11 . 7/24/2016
Damn. That was some good writing there! Thanks for sharing!
janefanatic chapter 4 . 7/24/2016
And the mystery deepens...
janefanatic chapter 3 . 7/24/2016
Oh shit! This is going to be bad for Harry. I would be so tempted to just teach her how to do the containment circle properly, but then she wouldn't die, the loup-garou wouldn't escape, and maybe Harry and Murphy wouldn't become as close, or something catastrophic could happen! Kim's death was a turning point for Harry, and it's a partial reason for his openness with Molly. He might be more reserved with her if Kim lives. And with one apprentice of sorts, would he have time for a second one, one who needed more focus and time? Aaah, this is bad!
janefanatic chapter 2 . 7/24/2016
Man, I miss Lash. Thanks for sharing!
janefanatic chapter 1 . 7/24/2016
Ooh! A great premise! I wonder why McCoy needs Harry's help to go into the past, though. I thought he was all sorts of powerful? I guess it's always good to have back-up. And grandfather-grandson bonding time isn't a terrible idea.
Daki92 chapter 11 . 5/27/2016
I love this series, it's fanfiction that NAILS the original so well it's scary.
Hypothetical Spiritual Entity chapter 11 . 5/23/2016
Wow. This last chapter in particular was one hell of a wham episode. Especially because how the reason for the Jade Court's prior lack of involvement was felt, bit by bit, through Harry's interactions with Kitoro.
Earthenfist chapter 10 . 1/19/2016
Hah! Just noticed a little Freudian Slip at the beginning, there. You describe Agent Denton's suit as "Bark" blue.
mutecebu chapter 11 . 1/10/2016
Really enjoyed the story, thanks! I think I liked it even more than Broken Mirror. Hurray for Lash.
Fullmetal11791 chapter 11 . 12/17/2014
Awesome story, seriously. It's rare to see someone so perfectly capture the original authors writing style to perfectly, but you've done a fantastic job doing so. Actually feels like I'm reading a new book in the series with a different plot. The one thing I'm a bit confused on (and it's been awhile since I've read the books), but wouldn't the events in South America with the red court already have happened? And isn't Harry the winter knight at this point since he's linked to demonreach? Other than those, stellar job. Can't wait to continue reading.
xvector chapter 11 . 8/23/2014
Love this! I felt like I was actually reading Jim Butcher!
BluePheonix106 chapter 2 . 8/12/2014
its a very good story, and we love them, looking forward to the other ones, but cant help this, you spelled a word wrong, its focused, not focussed, dont mean to be rude, just wanted to point that out
Jennixst chapter 11 . 7/9/2014
Very entertaining and has the same 'voice' as Dresden, loving the twists and turns. Going to read your next installment now and hope you continue with your current story.
InArduisFidelis-RAMC chapter 1 . 6/27/2014
Harry and time travel. I'm looking forward to this
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