Reviews for Mergers & Acquisitions One Shot
Anasamantha09 chapter 2 . 8/28/2016
M&A will be forever my favorite fanfic of E and J. I miss them so sometimes I come back here or there for the full and painfull travel. Thank you all the times.
dpennell007 chapter 1 . 4/22/2016
Fantastic story! Sexy and emotional. Great ending.
1tinac chapter 1 . 12/30/2014
Amazing story.
rachel garber chapter 2 . 3/6/2014
This is one of the most beautiful love stories I've ever read, not "slash" love story, love story Period. The sex was hot, down and dirty sometimes, erotic and beautiful, but ultimately the love story, the triangle, not of Edward, Jasper and any other man, but the triangle of the two men and the closet Edward wanted so desperately to leave, yet feared so badly to leave. I loved the unfolding of their love, as they not only struggled to acknowledged to themselves, but also to each other. The details of Jasper's history were devastating to read, yet being aware that that is frequently the fate of gay kids, whether through abandonment, either through drugs as Jasper experienced, or rejection as Riley experienced, was all to real to me, as I am acutely aware of the truth of their circumstances. Thanks for a beautiful love story.
rachel garber chapter 1 . 3/6/2014
I didn't notice this outtake before, it's nice to get more of Jasper's POV, to read his revelation that he was falling in love with Edward, that he wanted his forever, but initially felt he couldn't let Edward see that emotion. Here is my song for the boys: "You fill up my senses like a night in the forest, like a mountain in springtime, like a walk in the rain, like a storm in the desert, like a sleepy blue ocean, You fill up my senses, come fill me again. Come let me love you, let me give myself to you, let me drown in your laughter, let me die in your arms, let me lay down beside you, let me always be with you, Come let me love you, come love me again" John Denver (titled "Annie's Song", as there is no mention of gender, I love this for so many Jasper and Edward stories) Thanks for a deliriously lovely story, I cried so many times, but have loved it throughout. It was terrible to read Edward's near breakdown in Japan, the intensity of his loss was almost unbearable to read, it felt so real.
Holscad chapter 2 . 1/8/2013
Excellent :-)
alanneau2 chapter 1 . 8/3/2012
pezlover chapter 2 . 6/13/2012
M&A is my all time favorite fic. Thanks for leaving the oneshot up so I could read a bit more about them. I haven't reviewed the full story yet because I can't figure out what to say besides a big long "squeee". Much love to you both. This is definitely the best fic ever!
Elicullen26 chapter 1 . 9/30/2011
Squeeee! I loved it! I feel like reading the big one again, but what I actually miss is the journey we all lived with the story and the characters...

Oh Val, I'm so thankful that when I was a babbling emotional wreck you hold my hand and got me thru it! If I had come to read this I'd known maybe the ending, sort of, but all the details of both their journeys were so important and this Jasper is so different, I didn't love him less but he's definitely different.

So thx again for sharing your amazing stories, big hug!
HeatherAbdelrahman chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
So, I've heard and read so much about M&A I had to try it out. Figured the o/s was a great place to start. You certainly don't dissapoint!
malleelee chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
So good to see these two again. Their story is one that makes the world smile. Thank you.
simba5waldo5 chapter 1 . 8/13/2011
I am so glad tjat I found this story. i cant believe I missed this update! I so adore this storu. I just love these characters! U have really made these 2 lovable. I cant wait for an update of tje outtakes. I love how long they are. Its like a mini story! Well off to chapter 2. You are the best!
chyygirl67 chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
Can I read the one shot before reading the story? I don't want any spoilers to ruin the story for me but I'm tempted.
Siriusmunchkin chapter 1 . 6/15/2011
Gala's place chapter 1 . 4/4/2011
Omg... is it weird that I'm crying now? I've never read M&A's one shot before, 'cause I didn't want any spoiler about the end... I love this story, and I always miss it so much, and think about it so much, that I decided to read the one shot on this rainy monday morning. Omg...

Ts, would you please send a kiss from me to Dannie? I miss her, too... :(

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