Reviews for One Shot
RayHollows chapter 4 . 1/4/2017
I am just straight up dead. This hurt my heart; this made me cry, this is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for when I searched for 'Sam testing Lucifer's promise' fics. I will DEFINITELY be re-reading this one many times in the future!
sunshine102897 chapter 4 . 12/9/2015
Ow. Ow. Ow. My heart just was thrown into wood chopper then pasted back together. Every single thing Luci said to Dean in 2014 made so much sense. Holy crap. I was in awe. You get an A plus plus for analysis of content. This was an amazing, heartfelt story that ruined my eye liner and mascara, but they dont matter. My heart may new son recovery time after this one but thank you for writing.
sandycub chapter 4 . 11/30/2013
Poor Sam seemed so out of it what with the dying and being brought back to life! I really liked all Dean had to say to Sam both while he was dead and after he came back!
sandycub chapter 2 . 11/29/2013
I love this chapter SO much! I love both Sam and Dean - they have both done so much good but have also made poor choices. Even though those choices were made with the best of intentions - that is what the road to hell is paved with is it not - they each made choices that led to the start of the apocalypse! The things that you had Lucifer!Sam say to Dean were things that I wish someone would say to him. Not to bash him but to shine some light on things. Can't wait to go read the rest!
Von chapter 4 . 4/28/2013
BAWLING my eyes out in the best of ways. Cheers!
xXxShiniXKazexXx chapter 4 . 7/11/2010
Brilliant. )
CeCe Away chapter 4 . 7/1/2010
Hey, read this straight through. It was really sad and poignant. It's so heart-wrenching when the boys just give up. I really enjoyed it.
Yellowbulma chapter 4 . 5/30/2010
I loved it!
M14Mouse chapter 4 . 11/16/2009
You almost had me in TEARS. I just wanted to hug both boys. It, awesome job. Just plain awesome. _
pinkphoenix1985 chapter 4 . 11/14/2009
This is wonderful! I absolutely love the limp Sam and protective Dean which has been sadly lacking in the show recently!
lullabyJN chapter 4 . 11/9/2009
wow...that was an amazing story! I cried when Dean was talking to dead it was intense. This is probably one of my favorites with Sam killing himself. Definitely an amazing story, and I can't wait to read another from you!
Buckeye mom chapter 4 . 11/9/2009
I enjoyed this story very much. I felt so bad for Dean and Sam when Sam died and how Dean was talking to him. I was trying to read the last chapter at work between patients-not a good thing to do when working in a hospital as it was a real tear-jerker for me and people look at me funny! I am looking forward to your next story.
godsdaughter77 chapter 4 . 11/9/2009
I really did enjoy this story and I like how you got the boys back together again! Good job and thanks for sharing!
Spoilerwolf chapter 4 . 11/9/2009
Oh, thank goodness! Sammy's back in action! :D

Though, how that came about was pretty unique. Kind of reminds me of those anime shows where they just... grow bits and pieces of themselves back after getting it blown off, lol. *yes, I was an anime freak when I was little, lol!*

And Lucifer! Aye, that man has presence! And we got cuddling! Or as Dean would say, "Manly embrace" lol.

Nicely done. Very happy to get this chapter up a day earlier than you had planned :D

And who doesn't love the 'manly embrace' at the end of a fic? I ain't complaining :p

~ Jess.
Thorny Hedge chapter 4 . 11/9/2009
*runs off to look at pretty pictures*
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