Reviews for The Endless Mask Of Love
VioletEyed-Demon chapter 2 . 6/18/2010
AAAH! That was awsome! a few things I noticed but eeehhh no biggy but it twas amazing! YAY! I've been waiting for that second chapter for awhile now actually! lol but here it is and I can't help but want more!

And you should sleep when your suppose too missy! lol!

StandingOnTheRooftops chapter 2 . 5/8/2010
Hmmm. Yummy. A couple mispelled words, but nothing major. I liked it! *giggles* I do love my 3x4! I liked it alot!
StandingOnTheRooftops chapter 1 . 12/11/2009
Yes to the lemon! Yay I loved this! More, more, more, I say!
TheManBehind-TheJokersMask chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
YES YES YES! that was absolutly amazing! it was so cute! far to short in my book but it was sweet and awsome! LOVE it!