Reviews for Polar Night
Rose chapter 12 . 1/28
Hi! I'm one of your many readers from Brazil!
If I could be of any help, let me tell you about the Lobisomem legend we have: he is the 7th son of a family, after six girls. Or he could also be bitten. In summon, thats just the translation for werewolf.
As for the Boto, the legend is kinda specific about the Boto Cor de Rosa. I actually know a lady who says her baby's father is the boto, if you can believe. In the full moon a veeeeeeery good looking man, dressed in all white, very handome and very stylish in his clothing (and hat, the boto uses a hat) will seduce a virgin girl, sleep with her (getting her pregnant), making her fall deeply in love. In the morning when she wakes up, post haze, she realizes he was the boto and is probably pregnant. Some say he leaves his hat behind, some say he leaves his whole outfit, some say he leaves nothing. The girl is shamed, and after giving birth they often suicide in the river where botos (the actual fish) swim around, leaving the kid to be raised by his/hers grandparents. THIS SHIT ACTUALLY STILL HAPPENS. FOR REAL.
Guest chapter 16 . 10/20/2019
This is so good— you should finish!
Jadeeeee chapter 12 . 4/11/2017
You probably won't read this but his dammit you can write! I love this story.
Djejdjdjendkd chapter 16 . 1/1/2017
I just found this story after Allen these years. I adore it. What a shame it was never finished. Just wanted to let u know how much I enjoyed your writing.
LadyBlu Cullen chapter 16 . 7/29/2016
Why didn't you finish this story? As well as 'The Newborn'?
jk chapter 11 . 5/23/2016
I don't get it...bella is coming off really fucking selfish right now...ya ya I know she doesn't know that if shes not changed em and rose will have to service the volturri but that's how shes looking to me...SELFISH
ummm I know I always beg you to make me a vampire...but I changed my time and want to stay human I can have sex! even though you have to hold back...EVERYTIME we do it...but I'm a selfish little cunt like that!
just kill bella, we can find Edward a real woman
thelmaj66 chapter 16 . 4/27/2016
Can't wait for your next update
jk chapter 3 . 3/3/2016
I could really live without Tanya in this story...shes such an annoying character...and I really don't understand how Edward could be friends with such a nasty whore
jk chapter 16 . 10/22/2015
Maggie LOL shes nasty...if they would have just showed bella a picture she would have forgotten about Maggie in two seconds...nasty ginger. Why would Edward waste his mothers necklace on that fugly bitch?
jk chapter 3 . 10/22/2015
will Tanya just go the fuck away seriously the ugly hag...shes such a nasty whore
jk chapter 2 . 10/22/2015
why does Edward keep thinking about Tanya? what the fuck is going on? I though he never liked her
Tonia Rains chapter 1 . 10/13/2015
Are you ever going to work on this story? Please tell me that you have not abandoned it!
Guest chapter 16 . 10/1/2015
Just found this story, it is a lot of fun. I wish you would continue.
benkat chapter 16 . 10/26/2014
I know this has been on hiatus for a while now, I do holy complete it though it really is a fantastic story.
vegevamp65 chapter 16 . 7/9/2014
I know that you have Polar Night on Hiatus but gosh I sure would love to see this completed. I came across your profile thru another author and haven't been able to "put down" your stories yet! Love it, love it, love it!

Can't wait for an update!


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