Reviews for Broken
Anonymous chapter 6 . 3/11/2017
Anonymous chapter 7 . 3/11/2017
Well I also really liked the Sherlock reference, (if you could call it that) in this chapter. I'll keep on reading!
Yashin chapter 7 . 5/30/2014
I love this story, it's exactly the kind I've been always looking for. It has everything a great story should have - strong emotions and an interesting storyline, in addition to that, the behavior of Bones and Spock is simply spot on. I consider it a real gem. In my opinion it would be a shame if it remained unfinished. I guess you probably aren't planning on updating it in a foreseeable future, but I hope that someday you will, because it has a great potential :)
Amira13 chapter 7 . 8/18/2012
Wonderful story, and perfect characterization. PLEASE continue writing, it would be too cruel to leave us hanging...
Khashana chapter 7 . 5/4/2012
This is SO good. It's totally gripping. I need to make several phone calls and study for my math final on Monday, and I'm finishing this instead, that's how good it is. More, please! I want to see Spock and Bones get Jim back!
AekoAeviAthan chapter 7 . 1/27/2012
Why must it end here? I hope you still continue this story and update soon~

I absolutely love it!
SG-LAB chapter 7 . 4/4/2011
I usually stay away from WIP but the summary grabbed me. Also I find Spock and Bones' relationship interesting and was interested to see how someone would write their relationship after losing Jim. I'm really enjoying this and look forward to see where this goes.
droopydog chapter 7 . 11/26/2010
Wow.. This is really good. I liked the flashback, got me back to square one. This is unique, the idea fresh, the characters are well written, and I can't wait to see where you take it.
Lilith Luciferia chapter 7 . 11/20/2010
This chapter has a nice surrealist, metaphysical feel to it, which is very interesting, not to mention original. You write the character interactions beautifully, particularly between Spock and the McCoys. Fine work on this latest chapter. I am always pleased to see this updated, and I do hope that your schooling becomes somewhat easier on you.
Harm Marie chapter 7 . 11/20/2010
Absolutely love this story.
Obsessed Authoress chapter 7 . 11/19/2010
WEEEEEEEEE YOU'RE BACK! XD Wow, it's been a while, huh? No worries, though, I totally know how that real life stuff goes. Engineering school sounds like death served lukewarm on a stick, btw. Fun stuff. Anyway, I'm so happy that you found the time to update this! I've been wondering what the hell happened to poor-not-quite-dead Jim for a! :) Great chapter! I love Sam appearing in Jim's mind as his subconscious, especially because you likened Sam to Dean Winchester. (Haha, Sam and Dean...XD) X3 I LOVE DEAN. I LOVE SUPERNATURAL. WAY TO GO! -thumbs up- And George Kirk's ghost wandering around now too, like whoa... Crazy stuff. I liked your/Sam's explanation of the veil between the deepest levels of subconscious and the afterlife, and how spirits kinda sorta slip through for a midnight chat now and again...very cool, very interesting. I can't wait to see what happens next! I have hilarious visions in my head of Spock going nuts and nabbing Jim's body out of the casket at the funeral, and Bones freaking out and chasing after him! XD Here's hoping that real life gives you a much-needed break in the near future! Can't wait for the next chapter! You're amazing! -OA
adevotedreader chapter 7 . 11/19/2010
Very tangled web. If only Bones could understand. If only I could understand. This is a very strange line to straddle. Not here, but here. Real feelings, but fake situation. Can't wait for the next chapter.
AyaMarr chapter 7 . 11/19/2010
Yay! You've updated that makes me so excited! I hope that school will not completely overwhelm you and you'll be able to get a break somehow.

I love the way the plot is going with Jim's subconscious being Jim's older brother Sam, and I like the analogy with the ladder from being awake to being dead. The scene with Jim seeing only white and then just a black dot on the horizon coming closer, also reminded me of the movie Contact, when the alien chooses to visit Ellie in the form of her father because he thought it "would be easier for her this way."

Your writing is like a poem by the way, lovely descriptions that I can visualize in my mind.

I hope that Spock and Bones will be able to find Jim soon!

Awesome job, can't wait to find out what happens next.
TheDreamerLady chapter 6 . 6/10/2010
I really liked the song you suggested. Depressing, yes, but a good kick to it.

I kinda wanna sing it. But I don't know what for.

Well, I'll have to think on that.


I'm hoping you'll update soon. Now that Jim is alive, this story is looking brighter.

I wish to attempt my hand at reaching forshadowing and flashbacks, and insert the pairing I want;

Jim was cutty attempting to get help for the co dominate species that was dying off. Unfortunately, he bartered with the wrong people, they downloaded his conscientiousness into a giant computer, and sold him to the Romulens.

When our heros(Spock, McCoy) find him, they will soul bond him, and he'll exist inside their consciences until they both pass away. Which results in bond that results in sexy Bones/Spock time.

Also, erryone's staying in Starfleet. Because it is a drug. And they want it.

Anyway, hope see an update soon. Like tomorrow!

LyradanaGreetsTheWind chapter 6 . 6/9/2010
Oh my, please post the next bit of this story soon! Please! By the way, I'm really enjoying all of the angst and I want to know what is going to happen next, as soon as possible. Please keep up the good work!
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