Reviews for Tabula Rasa
Airway Static chapter 1 . 11/8/2010
I can just tell this story will develop into something good! Reading from Axel's point of view makes this even more interesting since you can see how Roxas is able to make him "feel". I'm looking forward to more of your writing!
Kurstin chapter 1 . 7/2/2010
Nice fanfic. I'm a big fan of Akuroku, but not the yaoi just the friendship.
ouja chapter 1 . 10/27/2009
Yay! It's great to see you're still alive. This was lovely. My meager knowledge of philosophy (I admit the only philosophy I -really- get is Voltaire. He's mad cool.) loves the title. Tabula Rasa...blank slate. Wonderfully fitting (I just hate it when fanfic authors choose a title that has little to nothing to do with the story).

I'll be the first to admit my grasp on Kingdom Hearts canon is incredibly weak (because I'm so failsome at playing games I have no idea what happens for pretty much the entire story-no doubt all the important parts). I grasp that this is meant to essentially be canon compliant, which is great. Crazy AUs are tons of fun (Five Acts!), but a good canon fic is a rare gem, which certainly ought to be written more.

So anyways, I loved the story. It was very intriguing. Zombie!Roxas is so interesting. I wonder what's up with him. I really feel for Axel, how he is unsettled by his emotions, feelings that rarely, if ever, surface in any way, but are suddenly coming in droves as Roxas comes into his life. I really liked how you had Azel kiss Roxas because it shows weakness, vulnerability on his part, something that I find quite touching to see in a man who is generally a pretty strong guy. I also loved that in a very serious fic you managed to insert a little bit of humor, namely the following: "He would have said it felt like someone had run an electric current up his arm, but since he had once had an electric current run up his arm, no thanks to Larxene, he knew this not to be true."

To be honest I'm an utter and complete fangirl of yours. I haven't read everything you've written in this fandom, but the stuff I have read has all been wonderful. Especially Five Acts. I ought to tell you that I've just recced it to a few LJ communities-khrecs, recs and try_this_fic-in hopes of getting some more people to read it, because I believe it 100% deserves to be more widely read. I really cannot wait to see what you come out with next. Your writing is excellent and you seem quite versatile, considering the fics of yours I've read (This one, Five Acts and Glass Slippers) are all rather different from each other.

I guess that's about it for this review. Keep on writing! You really have a lot of talent at it!
Corrosive Moon chapter 1 . 10/26/2009
Hahaha, Axel dressing Zombie Roxas. Hahahahaha.

Cute... /

Great chapter! Please keep up the good work and update soon!
BonneNuit chapter 1 . 10/25/2009
Cute~! D
NinjaSheik chapter 1 . 10/25/2009
iSnuffles chapter 1 . 10/25/2009
3 Food for my AkuRoku muse. Yay. 3

Very well written.