Reviews for If Nagihiko was a child again
Guest chapter 6 . 11/23/2015
I screamed at 3:00 am
Karen Joy Elizabeth919 chapter 42 . 6/7/2015
Guest chapter 42 . 9/1/2014
I really liked your story - except for two things. One - Wapanese. It's like when you talk Japanese in a wrong way. We say "arigato" not "arigatou". Two - Midori Girl acts like an Mary-Sue.
other than that, I loved your story!
Maki-chi chapter 41 . 5/17/2014
You failed Filipino why
trisha chapter 7 . 3/7/2014
wincan's twin
exogenesissymph chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
Why am I reminded of Detective Conan?
akane's gf chapter 11 . 8/10/2013
I know right! Rozen Maiden is AWESOME! So is this story so keep it up! :)
Aries Druella chapter 42 . 4/16/2013
I admit that I wasn't satisfied at the ending with the Suite Life on Deck cast... They just suddenly disappeared when Kairi and Yaya went back... But even so I loved the romance and humor and drama and... and... the way you portrayed the characters so well... I LOVE YOU YANNAMI-CHAMA/SEMPAI/SENSEI...! WILL YOU MARRY ME...?! okay so I went a bit overboard with the proposal and all but... I STILL LOVE YOU...!
Aries Druella chapter 41 . 4/16/2013
Yes...! There was Yairi/Kaiya...! I love you Kairi...! And I love Yaya too...! I'm so happy right now that I'm trying so hard to keep myself from literally exploding in happiness...! One question though... Why is London not there...!?
Aries Druella chapter 38 . 4/16/2013
Kyaaaaaah...! I'm excited to have Kairi with the guardians again at last...! Will there be any Kaiya/Yairi in this fic...? I sure wish there will be... Poor Rima and Nagi... I wish Nagi would just man up and tell everyone the truth already...!
Aries Druella chapter 32 . 4/15/2013
Kyaaaaah...! I'm so excited to have Zack and Cody back...! And London...! Bailey is just so-so for me... Anyways... Awesome story as always...!
Guest chapter 13 . 4/15/2013
Awwwww... Midorin had a terrible past...! Poor Midorin...! But she is a bit Mary Sue-ish...
Aries Druella chapter 9 . 4/15/2013
Kyaaaaaah...! I just totally love that you made a bit of Suite Life on Deck cross over in this fic...! Zack is just so cute being so flirty and all...! And I couldn't stop laughing over London calling herself "Yaya chi"...! I could even picture it in my mind...! And Nagi being protective over Riri-tan...! Zack falling for Nadeshiko...! And Nagi's reaction if he finds out about it...! I Love You...! Aishiteru...! Daisuki...! Okay sorry I had a little Wapanese moment there...
Aries Druella chapter 1 . 4/15/2013
Hmmmm... Chibi Nagi... Five year old Nagi... Cute Nagi... SMIRKING chibi five year old cute Nagi...!
Please excuse me as I clear my head... You see I'm the type who likes lolis and shotas... Meaning little chibi children... Another cool term for me is pedophile...! JOKE...! But I really do think of them as cute...
Guest chapter 42 . 11/15/2012
Good job! Minna
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