Reviews for Fox of the Red Dawn
linkiepie2214 chapter 50 . 8/4/2016
nice work on this.
midnightscar17 chapter 50 . 7/5/2016
Sequel please
Anonymous chapter 50 . 12/23/2015
This book (can I call it that?) was amazing! You have to continue it! I am really caught up in the suspense of how naruto will become Sakura's boyfriend. Please continue!
Rex Resede90 chapter 50 . 11/29/2015
i would love to see a sequel for this, provided you are still interested that is.
darkfox2357 chapter 50 . 9/9/2015
Man that was a great story i wsnt a part two please
Guest chapter 3 . 6/8/2015
S, z z
26Naruto26 chapter 7 . 4/30/2015
Is it me or does it feel like Naruto has always mental problems, but this one is stupider than any other I have read before! His a freaking shinobi, he kills people for living but has fear of people? It's like being a pilot and being scared of heights, or working as a life guard and being scared of water...
1sunfun chapter 2 . 4/27/2015
Amegakure is right but I think Mizukage is wrong.
Meow chapter 35 . 11/27/2014
Oh... I really hope Pein uses his revival jutsu to save Naruto... This story's too good to be sad! *SOBS*.

Guest chapter 27 . 11/27/2014
Meow chapter 25 . 11/27/2014
Awwww! That was an adorable chapter! I hope the next one is just as cute!

Meow chapter 23 . 11/27/2014
You are one of the best writers I have come across and there is only one plot hole that I have found. I have read A LOT of Naruto fanfiction so this is quite a big deal, it's also rather rare that I find a story that has been completed, I applaud you for that. I hope you post the next chapter of Itachi Sensei soon too.

Best wishes,
2n2kas chapter 32 . 9/5/2013
I still don't get it when did Naruto and Sakura become a couple... I mean it's an important detail, so why did you leave it out?
Akabari chapter 50 . 3/17/2013
I can't believe I finished all of those 50 chapters in one sit... I REGRET NOTHING. THAT, MY FRIEND, WAS AN AWESOME READ. PEACE.
Akabari chapter 14 . 3/17/2013
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