Reviews for Craziness, Candy, Jedi Knights, and WHAT!
Lyarra12 chapter 9 . 8/30
Lyarra12 here again

I have a feeling that we could be great friends! So funny!
Lyarra12 chapter 8 . 8/30
So funny! This makes my day! Story idea - add in Vampire Diaries and The Originals and Marcel! Thank you for making me laugh. This book has made me smile, laugh and not be bored while listening to online classes. So thank you! From Lyarra12
ravendor92 chapter 25 . 1/23
obviously the pigfarts reference. Ron magically having food, sucks royal hippogriff.
SappySoulTaker chapter 1 . 1/16/2019
If you bring everyone who lives in the star wars universe to earth, we would die of starvation. If being crushed by the sheer weight of bodies didn't kill us first, that is.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/26/2016
OH MY FORCE! I love Warriors!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/22/2016
I thought this would be funny... the funniest thing in the whole chapter was Leia going into a bathroom... and the reason for her going in there was creepy so it cancels out the funny.
JK chapter 8 . 6/29/2016
You screamed "Edward Cullen is gay" at a movie theater? OMG, that is hysterical!
I wish I had that courage.
Canada Skywalker chapter 40 . 8/20/2015
I have seen some hilarious fanfiction in my life, this one is the queen of them all! You got to keep working on this! I want to know the plot! (And see Xizor's butt kicked to Bespin.)

Yoda: Getting bored I am, action we need!
Anakin: I agree with Canada about the whole kick Xizor's butt thing. He deserves it.
Yoda: Anger and jealousy, leads to the dark side it does.
Palpatine: How's that a problem?
Anakin: You should have fried Crimson for eating my ice cream.
Palpatine: Not my problem.
Anakin: Oh, I guess I'll just have to throw you down a ridiculously large pit again.
Palpatine: NO!
Yoda: All those explanation points, unnecessary they were.
Guest chapter 12 . 8/19/2015
Why does everyone hate Jar Jar? I think he's sweet. Clumsy, but sweet.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/19/2015
Laughed so hard I wet my pants
FaunusJediGirl chapter 9 . 7/9/2015
I am insane. Wvfdesdgjhbhbhgttn,kjnuhgyvtcrxesecfggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggfesxdgkmjnjbgddxrjlkoknugbndzwwgobtfifduvfiunehbuvugyehyuxejjircjintviuntvibhtvbhifhfurihbwrcbihrqevmfrrvkbwt)7.773;?4?)3)yvgvesseswseexcrfffffffffffff:.44.;5(6?6?6(6(5;5;;5,5,5,
Canada Skywalker chapter 19 . 6/30/2015
Jedi Order. But are we allowed to choose the Rebel Alliance?
42 4ever chapter 18 . 4/19/2015
This is me when someone makes me lose my page. I GO AL NINJA ON EM AND KICK THEIR A-HOLE! I WILL AVENGE YOU, MY BEAUTIFUL BOOK! D:
42 4ever chapter 16 . 4/19/2015
I tried to say,"I am a mature, graceful, normal, sophisticated girl," with a straight face. It didn't work.
42 4ever chapter 15 . 4/19/2015
Warriors kitties should get more screen time. They,along with Harry Potter and Co., are the only ones I know. BUT HEY! GREAT JOB MAKING ME ALMOST LAUGH OUT LOUD BUT I WAS HOLDING IT IN!
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