Reviews for Don't Touch My Brother
L.Martina05 chapter 6 . 8/5
Sooo, you’re gonna finish this?Its been 7 years, but I have still hope because this is good. You could make darry find out, or not. And you could let pony get depressed, or not. Its really your decision but you can do a lot of things now..
Guest chapter 6 . 12/31/2018
I love it. a problem too. I have a messed up life. My brother,sister, great grandma and great grandpa died with in a year of each other. I was shattered. I die. But I'm getting help. These stories help me somehow. It feel that people have a more messed up life then I do... Yeah. Random person who is reading the reviews this is the story of my life. And it sucks
Clocksworth chapter 6 . 7/6/2018
It says the last time you updated was 2013 it’s been five years and your a/n said you WOULD finish it. Well I just started reading it and I think it’s okay but it’s not nice to lead your readers with false hope when the book is unfinished. I get that you probably don’t want to or you gave up but if it’s either of those things why bother at all? The unfinished fanfic is as good as trash then and should be deleted. What a waste of time.
Slingshot chapter 6 . 6/13/2018
It’s been five years I miss this thing there’s a fire burning in my soul but I still believe! Yeah I still believe! And all those things I didn’t write wreaking balls inside my brain but I will scream it loud tonight can you hear my voice this time?! This is my fight song! Starting right now I’ll be strong! This is my fight sooooong! Yeah I still got a little fight left in me...

Guest chapter 6 . 5/30/2018
if you keep this up, i don't want you to make it a soda/pony pairing... I mean they are brothers and i just want it to be a brotherly love thing! NO SODA/PONY PAIRING!
Guest chapter 6 . 4/25/2018
Guest chapter 6 . 1/2/2018
Pleeaasse finish this story (with a happy ending) so far i have read 3 of your stories and i could tell you, you are an AMAZING writer yes the topic or the theme whatever can be a little..disturbing but I still think its interesting.
Dont listen to the hate comments they were warned that there was rape if they didnt want to read it they couldve just not but they had to didnt they?
you have a talent and a lot of people and I support it so keep writing!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/20/2017
What do you mean no flames if you write something that sick bitch why wouldn't people be mad dumb fuck
sarah536 chapter 1 . 10/15/2017
You sick bitch
kyle518 chapter 6 . 10/14/2017
That some sick shut to write about a 14 year old getting raped stupid mother fucker
michal6718 chapter 6 . 10/13/2017
You sick freak why would you write something like this about a 14 year bitch you should never write again
james chapter 1 . 10/10/2017
Why would you write about that you sick little bitch that shot isn't funny find ass with your sick twisted mind if you can write about a 14 year old getting raped stupid mother fucker
dragon fier 20 chapter 4 . 4/14/2017
hiiiii I've been reading this for a long time and I was wondering if you were going to finish it? I love it a lot, and I would love to read more. Maybe one day when Soda was at work Pony talked kinda to Darry or maybe even Two-Bit? idk, I just really wanna read more 3 (this is for chapter 6, but I've already reviewed on that chapter so yeah)
Guest chapter 6 . 2/1/2017
You're doing a really good job of writing this just like how the author of the real book would have. I think it would be interesting if somehow pony actually got attacked again by them, then everyone finds out
mc fuckley chapter 1 . 1/19/2017
this is terrible. just fucking awful.
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