Reviews for Come and Try a Burger
DarkMoon2017 chapter 13 . 6/20/2015
Such an awesome story! Please update soon! I'M DYing! :D
Airay234 chapter 13 . 7/24/2014
Update soon, PLEASE!
Mr. War chapter 13 . 2/23/2014
I can't wait to see them kiss. :3
tidakdigunakanlagi chapter 13 . 2/15/2014
Finally .. i thought you never going to continue... this is one of my favorite story of america and belarus... im so glad you continueeeee... btw this chapter is getting somewhere.. i wonder who will make the first move ...hehehehe... keep up the good work
Aerith Tsukiyomi chapter 13 . 2/12/2014
Hi, How I do say this.
I'm very very very very filled with feelings.
Yeah I'm the same girl who did that pic years ago. The one used as cover.
I am still shipping this, I am recently opening to the world. Well trying.
But Still I never thought that one depressing day, I would find my art (that makes me cringe a bit looking at it) standing proudly together with a promising fic.
That day I feel so warm, a warm that I almost forgot.
Thank You.
Spartan Ninja chapter 13 . 2/12/2014
And here we thought you died. It's cute seeing Belarus acting like this, especially with Anerica. Hopefully Russia won't screw things up.
lazylegionspark chapter 13 . 2/11/2014
The sweetness... oh my goodness. The story is continuing to rise in romantic intensity.
I really hope the climax delivers.

A dozen months to update? Not that bad I have to say.
otakuheaven123123 chapter 12 . 12/22/2013
I have waited for this update...patiently waited for this wonderful story to be updated and once again entertain me with more beautiful americaXbelarus action. I dropped the hetalia fandom quite a few years ago, but I have always kept my eyes out for this one. You, my dear author, certainly did not betray my expectation, and I only hope that you will continue this story until the end.

ps. more canada and ukraine please...they are my second favorite coupling in hetalia as well
tidakdigunakanlagi chapter 12 . 8/31/2013
yeah Im so happy with this story ... its getting even more adorable by the sec... Keep up the good work !
agirlworthfighting4 chapter 5 . 8/27/2013
Oh you gotta love AmeBel
A simple fan chapter 12 . 8/25/2013
Omg I love this pairing too much and it doesn't get enough love! Now you pretty much throw in pruhun (or the frying pangle if you're into that) and BOOM all the het OTP's. I eagerly await the next update and I'd also like to see america,russia and possibly belarus confront/interact. I wonder if russia will either be angry with america, much to natalia's joy, or be very grateful to him, much to natalia's dismay.
Fred and George Weasley Twins chapter 12 . 8/21/2013
Please write more I really like this!
Fred and George Weasley Twins chapter 9 . 8/20/2013
Oh I lov Iggy, pulling his hair out... So funny!
Fred and George Weasley Twins chapter 5 . 8/20/2013
Oh! Natalia and Alfred sittin in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
Theheroineinprogress chapter 12 . 8/19/2013
OH MY GOD. Dont tell me I need to wait for a YEAR to read the next chapter? This is soooo good you should update more frequently!

To start of, the writing is fantastic. Clear and crisp. Although I've found a few errors and spelling mistakes here and there but they were easily shrugged. The plot is just relaxing. Mushy, and feelsy. It's something to be enjoyed over a cup of tea under the shades of a tree. It's sweet, and I see your point when you said you can see AmeBel doing these things in the anime.
Well, I never saw a scene wherein they were OOC. Belarus' character development is just beautiful.
I really cant wait to read more of you, and I hope it wouldnt last a year to do so. Though I admire your will to update even after 12 months! Other authors would've just left it alone (like myself, unfortunately). I'm hoping with all my heart that you would finish this because it's too beautiful to go to waste. Kudos!
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