Reviews for A Curious Thing
Jose19 chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
I want to know how Naruto will adapt this because in terms of technology everything here surpasses anything in their world because they don't have interstellar travel in the Elemental Nations, and the danger is even greater because the Sith are supposed to win over the Jedi here.
toofine89 chapter 11 . 6/2/2014
It's a shame this hasn't been updated in years. It has a truly unique and interesting storyline and I want to see more of Orochimaru.
Not a member but a fan chapter 11 . 1/25/2012
I deeply enjoy reading this...

Updates... Y U NO HAPPEN?

Seriously though... I need more chapters... this sweetness makes the boredom vanish.
akatsukirulez chapter 11 . 10/22/2011
I absolutely love this story, its to bad it seems to be abandoned. Your characterizations are straight on and plot interesting. You could do to add a bit more combat with Jedi versus ninja
Jigoku no Yami chapter 11 . 9/1/2011
this is amazing.

So, have all the ninja come back? or just selected people? so far, the only good guys have been Naruto and Hinata. Man, what i wouldnt mind to see all the jinchuriki alive again. i wonder, how does a Jinchuriki feel to the Jedi? and better yet, how did the fox survive? Cause im pretty much sure that only the original body held the beast...But eh, *Holds up script* ...ahh, i see it now..."WRITERS CREATIVE LICENSING" well, i do enjoy this immensely. Good job!
sanju-no-ranma chapter 11 . 7/17/2011
excellent story. Having read more of it, I like it even more now. I hope you continue this, I REALLY want to see how Akatsuki is reestablished in this galaxy and what happens.
sanju-no-ranma chapter 3 . 7/17/2011
awesome story, I freaking LOVED the fight between Orochimaru and the Jedi.
TwiceMarked chapter 11 . 6/20/2011
I am definitely looking forward to the next chapter. I'm not sure why this story has such a small number of reviews. In my opinion, it is excellent. This was a nice, long chapter, which explained a great number of things. However, I'm not entirely sure how those that died are back. And where does this story begin in the Canon version of things, as in, where do all there memories originally end? And just a quick question, how do you think a sword augmented with wind element will hold off against a lightsaber?
TwiceMarked chapter 10 . 6/20/2011
This is a very good crossover. You are combining all three different worlds together quite admirably. So far, there is nothing here that I really have to complain about. I am wondering about any possible interactions between Naruto and the Jedi though. I am very curious to see the clash of the two different philosophies, Naruto's "fight for those who are precious to you," and the Jedi's "no emotional attachments," personally I prefer Naruto's. The one thing that I'm curious about is how on earth would the Akatsuki even be able to extract Kyuubi? First, they need that freaky statute, and then they need to have all of the other tailed beasts. And by the way, is Kisame still around? I don't think that I've seen him yet. And are any of the other rookies in this world?
TwiceMarked chapter 3 . 6/20/2011
HAA! Ninja pwns Jedi.
TwiceMarked chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
Going good so far, I'm glad that this is a naruhina story and am looking forward to seeing how you develop it.
Hanna chapter 11 . 6/1/2011
I thuk your story was good uo till the part with orochimaru. after that I lost interest since it felt like it was moving away from then initial feeling of the story.
kreep13 chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
This is pretty cool. Look forward to reading more. (As in a few minutes from now).
Okazaki323 chapter 11 . 1/27/2011
It was pretty good chap. The explanation was interesting. Hope you update soon.
Okazaki323 chapter 10 . 1/27/2011
that last sentence was cool.
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