Reviews for Total Drama Island: Season Two
BrainyBrunette chapter 12 . 5/30/2010
Ahahahaha the poor final 5, they have to keep up with the weird antics of their fellow campers xD I wonder who's gonna win! Anyway, Ezekiel made an important sacrifice for humanity today! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Terminator101 chapter 1 . 4/19/2010
can my charter be in this storey
BrainyBrunette chapter 11 . 4/13/2010
Aw! Ashlynn did it, now Duncan is off to talk to Courtney, sweet!

See you in the next chapter, bye!
TdiBridgette chapter 11 . 4/11/2010
Awesome chapter! But it's sad that Victoria and Bridgette fell off.
Taylor0283 chapter 10 . 1/1/2010
good job on the chapter wonder what pt 2 will be like update soon
TdiBridgette chapter 10 . 12/31/2009
PurpleFunkytown chapter 10 . 12/31/2009
Great chapter!I love the way you're describing Laura.I'm glad she's starting to make do I sense a relationship with Dwight in the future?

Anyway,I can't wait to read the next 're doing a very good job!Congratulations!
PurpleFunkytown chapter 9 . 12/31/2009
I'm so sorry for not writing this earlier,but I guess it's better now than never,right?


Gwen-Laura appreciates fellow artists such as her.

Trent-Laura likes the fact that he is sensitive and has a well-developed artistic side.

Noah-Laura actually admires his sarcasm.

Bridgette-Laura appreciates her for being natural and a true friend.

DJ-Laura likes the fact that he is so friendly towards considers that animals sense kind people even better than humans.

Courtney-Laura could get along with a calm Courtney,because Laura sometimes enjoys discussing politics.

Cody-Laura sees him as one of those novel characters who chase the girl,but never wins her also respects him for his attachment to Gwen and his friendship with Trent.

People with whom she might get along:

Izzy-Laura finds her personality very unique and interesting,just like a nail-biting action in a novel.

Ezekiel-Laura is curious to see what lies behind his 'sexist redneck' label.

Duncan-Laura might manage to have a conversation with him about various topics someday.


Beth-Laura doesn't really talk to her.

Lindsay-Laura considers her a nice and caring person,unfortunately they don't have much in common.

Harold-Laura doesn't really understand his 'mad skills'.

Geoff-Laura thinks that he doesn't take things seriously,so they wouldn't actually get along.

Katie&Sadie-Laura isn't interested in meeting them,because they are too obsessed with each other.

Tyler-Laura knows that literature doesn't go well with sports.

Owen-Laura thinks he isn't exactly the book loving type.

Eva-Laura will try not to upset her.

Leshawna-Laura will talk to her once or twice,but that's about it.


Heather-Laura has only one word to describe her:EVIL.

Justin-Laura hates superficial people who use their appearance to get through life,even more than she hates evil people.

And I guess that's about did a great job with Laura's personality so ngratulations!:)
taeyeons chapter 9 . 12/8/2009
Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was optional sorry if you were waiting on me. My bad..

Well let's see...with the character you can make Labyrinth interact with them however you want. Surprise me, it wouldn't matter :D
DarkMindedThinker89 chapter 9 . 12/6/2009
Well I see people might have a bit of a problem with Panda's weird ways but that's what makes him great. When I saw that they were freaked out by his cross dressing I found it a bit amusing cause he's already a naturally kinda feminine but he is really f*in strong so be warned guys. be warned. lol. But it amuses me. I just love him bunches and I hope everyone grows to love him. I also hope that people actually wanna be his friend. lol. Other than Kenny of course. And thank you to who made kenny for willing to be panda's friend. now for the friends enemies:


Duncan: He gets along with Duncan quite well. He appreciates Duncan's toughness and finds him attractive. He will always side with Duncan. He thinks he doesn't get the credit Duncan deserves.

Izzy: He loves how crazy she is. plain short and to the point. He thinks she is amazing. He would love to do something crazy with her. Also thinks she the hottest girl. There's not one bad thing he can say about her.

Noah: He loves how sarcastic he is and loves to play along with his sarcasm. He finds him very attractive also. He also is very intelligent like Noah so they could get into some interesting intellectual conversations.

Heather: He likes how she's a b*tch and doesn't care. He greatly respects her. But wants to toy around with her too for pure entertainment.

Leshawna: Thinks she's really fun and likes her caring personality. He feels like he can trust her but only to an extent.

Courtney: He loves how competitive she is. He also thinks she is sexy. haha. He also loves how she's so "perfect" when in reality she's not. He gives her a lot of credit though for being very determined. He would love to have an awkward yet manipulative conversation to get to know what she thinks about Duncan exactly. (He just wants Duncan so bad. Who wouldn't?)

Geoff: He wants to party with Geoff very bad. As Panda is a strong partier. He and Geoff will get along just well. But he will make suggestive comments to him.

(mainly suggestive comments to all his "friends" but Leshawna. I can't get over how much of a flirt he is XD )


Justin: He just hates how hot he thinks he is cause he's not that great at all.

Owen: Finds him repulsive. Although he won't say anything mean.


Gwen: Thinks she's creative and nice. He wouldn't mind being friends with her.

Harold: He doesn't really like him. He thinks he's a bit weird.

Tyler: Doesn't talk to him unless talked to.

Beth: Likes how honest she is but not how much she gossips. He tries to avoid her.

Katie and Sadie: one word ANNOYING

Cody: He likes how Cody tries to get with girls he knows he probably can't get. He wants to help him get a woman. haha.

Trent: He likes that he plays the guitar and would sit there and play with him. He would find him as an OK friend.

DJ: He thinks DJ is the sweetest boy in the world.

Ezekiel: He doesn't have much of a comment on him.

Eva- He thinks she's way too manly and way too mean.

Bridgette: He thinks she is a total sweetheart and would be nice to her no matter what. He thinks she is the cutest girl there. He wants to just steal her. lol. (not meant in a creepy way. hopefully yenz get what I mean.)

Lindsay: He doesn't want to be mean but he wants to mess with her a little cause she's so easy. A few little tricks or things he would say here or there but he likes her personality. Just not how dumb she is.

Well there you have it. That's what he thinks about them. I just hope this goes the way I want. Doubt it cause it's not in my control but I can't wait! Update ASAP. Panda needs some supporters you guys. tehe.
TDIultimateheatherfan chapter 9 . 11/27/2009
Note: I am so sorry that I misunderstood this thing

I should have read more clearly...

Hopefully, no hard feelings:/

Here it is:

Gwen (Friend) - Lynne will be pretty good friends with Gwen, will be there to talk about stuff

Harold (Friend) - Lynne thinks that his “mad skills” get up is hilarious, but approves of Harold and sometimes she finds herself in “scientific” conversations with him

LeShawna (Friend) - Lynne likes LeShawna and feels like she can talk to her about anything

Tyler (Friend) - Lynne thinks that Tyler is funny and loves to beat him at sports

Beth (Friend) - Lynne approves of Beth and can talk to her about stuff

Katie and Sadie (Friend) - Lynne kinda finds they’re squealing annoying, but she has a lot of things in common with them

Izzy (Friend) - Lynne thinks Izzy is CRAZY, but Lynne gets insane every once in a while and I think you know where I’m going with this

Owen (Friend) - Lynne thinks that Owen is gross but finds a friends in him

Geoff (Friend) - Close friends, definitely one to talk about parties and just chill

Cody (Friend) - She thinks Cody is friendly and “flirts” with him when he mentions that he’s a ladies’ man

Trent (Friend) - She’s friends with him and thinks his music is cool, but she thinks his 9 obsession is really crazy

DJ (Friend) - She thinks DJ is sweet and friendly, but she thinks he is a wuss at times

Ezekiel (Friend) - Feels sorry that he hasn’t really interacted with the “outside world” and befriends him

Eva (Enemy) - Lynne only thinks that Eva is strong and great for strength, but she hates that she has anger problems and will tell her off when it pushes her out of the edge

Bridgette (Friend) - Because, Lynne and Bridgette are the same type of girl(kinda) she will befriend her but she will be disgusted when Bridgette and Geoff make out so much, so she will flirt with Geoff to try to piss her off

Noah (Enemy) - Finds Noah annoying and will tease him about Cody

Lindsay (Friend) - Lynne and Lindsay will be good friends, despite Lindsay’s major stupidity; she finds Lindsay so adorable

Courtney (Enemy) - She thinks Courtney is aggressive and a (female dog), she will get very competitive with Courtney and it is not pretty

Justin (Enemy) - Disapproves of the way he manipulates people, but she sometimes falls for his “dreamy side”

Duncan (Friend) - Lynne and Duncan can be good friends, regardless of him being a jerk and she will often flirt with him to piss Courtney off

Heather (Friend) - Lynne doesn’t hate Heather, but she doesn’t like the way she manipulates people. She can simply talk to her though, depending on Heather’s topics
Just Another Fanatic chapter 9 . 11/25/2009
For Payton


Gwen- Payton would be a little teasing to Gwen for Gwen's dark attitude, but eventually Gwen will warm up to her and they'll become friends.

Harold- Payton will be interested in his quirks and oddness.

LeShawna- Payton will think that LeShawna's really just a cool person, and LeShawna will think that Payton's got spunk

Tyler- Payton will think that he's really funny and fun to be around

Beth- Payton and Beth will just find that they have a bunch of things in common

Katie and Sadie- Payton will love their style and like to have them to gossip with

Izzy- Payton will think Izzy's just insanely fun, and Izzy will find Payton's ability to fall into any character a bunch of fun

Owen- Payton will challenge him to an eating contest and manage to eat food that not even he would touch

Geoff- Payton will just have a lot of fun to party with

Cody- Payton will think that Cody is really cute and try to help him find he girl of his dreams

Okay With:

Trent- She will think that some of his quirks are too much for her to handle (the number nine), but think that he's a good musician

DJ- Payton will think he's nice and all, but be annoyed by his wussiness

Ezekiel- Payton will probably laugh at him at times, but she'll feel bad about it, so mostly she'll stay away form it.

Eva- Payton will think it cool that Eva's a strong girl, but nothing beyond that

Bridgette- Payton will be a little jealous of Bridgette's beauty and grace, but she'll be too nice for Payton to not like


Noah- Payton will find him quite annoying.

Lindsey- Payton will hate how Lindsey is the stereotypical dumb blonde as well, she will feel a little inadequate in certain areas.

Courtney- Payton will find Courtney's 'CIT' act to be a little too close to military school.

Justin- Payton will find Justin boring and she's not attracted to pretty boys

Duncan- Payton will think he's just a jerk and she's not interested in jerks

Heather- Payton will be reminded of the girls at every school she ever went to that were mean to her from day one

And for Randy


Courtney- Randy will find her to be exactly the kind of girl he wants to be with.

Cody- Randy will like that Cody is smart and enjoy his style.

Heather- Randy will find her respectable

Justin- Randy will think that Justin's is the type that is working for the future early, and appreciate Justin's deviance.

Noah- Randy will understand Noah better than anyone else

Okay With:

Katie & Sadie- Rand will avoid them at all costs, hating their squealing

Trent- Randy might like Trent, were he not dating Gwen

Geoff- Randy would like him if he wasn't such a party animal, but because of his party attitude, Randy will just ignore him

Bridgette- Aside from finding her pretty, Randy won't bee too into meeting her

Ezekiel- Randy will think Zeke to be a home-school loser, and pretty much ignore him

Eva- Randy will sort of fear her

Izzy-Randy will ignore her antics and steer clear

Dj- He will think he's cool, aside from being a pansy

Lindsey- Randy will ignore her due to her idiocy, but not hate her

Beth- Randy won't waste time talking to her

Tyler- Randy will respect him for trying to be athletic, but find him a total loser for failing


Gwen- Randy will think she's a waste of good space

Owen- Randy will find him totally disgusting

Duncan- Randy will mostly hate him for 'corrupting' Courtney

Harold- Randy will not know anyone he finds to be more of a loser

LeShawna- Randy will be disgusted with her way of life
Disney Princess Dani chapter 9 . 11/25/2009
This is for Howard

1)Gwen- Howard will probably thing of Gwen as the kind of person that will understand him (even though she probably won't). This might cause tension between the two

2)Trent- Howard will think Trent as a friendly, fun guy. He will be impressed with Trent's musical skills, and probably name him a bard.

3)Owen- Howard will probably name Owen as a knight, and I can see Owen finding Howard really fun, albeit a bit weird

4)Izzy- Izzy will really get into Howard's fantasy world, and I can see Howard teaching her how to fight in battles and teaching her the skills of LAIRE, and this will build a friendship.

5)LeShawna- I don't see these two getting along, but they probably won't fight. Each will think the other is quite odd, and chances are most of their interaction will be facilitated through Harold.

6)Bridgette- Howard will find Bridgette beautiful, but not have much time to spend with her as she spends most of her time with Geoff.

7)Geoff- Geoff will probably be nice to Howard at first, but is likely to make a really stupid comment against Howard's 'world' and really anger Howard. Also, Geoff has a tendency to join in Duncan's pranks against Howard

8)DJ- Howard and DJ probably just won't have a lot of interaction time, unless they both make it really far, where they may be nice to one another, but Howard will think of DJ as cowardly, which is not noble.

9)Duncan- Duncan will make Howard miserable with pranks

10)Courtney- Courtney will think of Howard as a complete imbecile, and avoid him at all costs.

11)Lindsey- Howard will find Lindsey beautiful, and will not miss any chances to bring her flowers, give her complements (which she may or may not understand), and help her in any way. After a while, however, he will give up because she'll be a little too dim for him.

12)Katie- Howard will be wary of Katie, due to Katie's squealing. At first, he will rush to her and Sadie when they squeal, only to find that there is no danger. After a while, he'll just ignore it.

13)Sadie- See Katie

14)Ezekiel- I can see these two go hunting together, or something similar, and they can have some manly bonding over the fact that they can both shoot off an arrow

15)Noah- Noah will not give Howard a moment, probably, and just write Howard off as a loser.

16)Beth- Beth will help Howard try to win Lindsey's heart, and they will bond over that.

17)Eva- Howard will find comfort that someone else doesn't abide by any of the norms set by society, and though she will resist being friends with him at first, she will warm up to him and they will bond.

18)Cody- Howard will see that Cody is a good person, and this will make Howard want to befriend Cody.

19)Harold- Howard and Harold will immediately bond over their love of the non-real, however, when Harold moves from talking about fantasy to sci-fi, Howard will not be happy with him.

20)Tyler- Tyler will probably not like Howard, as Howard is constantly trying to give Lindsey flowers and complements

21)Heather- Heather will just laugh at Howard, and then probably not even talk to him after that.

22)Justin- Howard will view Justin as the black knight, call him a traitor to the kingdom, and mark him as an enemy

23)Chris- Howard will start to view Chris as an evil tyrant, and maybe lead a rebellion to overthrow him.

24)Chef- Chef will like Howard, because Howard will genuinely enjoy Chef's food.
MySiGGY chapter 9 . 11/24/2009
For Ginny~

1. Gwen- (enemy)- Ginny hates gwen, cause she's a bore and goth. bleh

2. Trent- (enemy)- since this is Gwen's bf, then ya she hates him too

3. Owen- (Ok)- Ginny adores Owen for his personality.

4. Izzy- (Ok)-Since Izzy is Owen's love, then she's Ok too

5. LeShawna- (friend)Ginny loves LeShawna for her backtalk on people, she simply likes her for a friend.

6. Bridgette- (Ok)Ginny likes Bridgette, she's naturally Ok with her. But she hates Geoff. LOL. She annoys the both of them

7. Geoff- (enemy)Ginny doesn't like Geoff for his party personality..

8. DJ- (ok) Dj doesn't really like Ginny for her "spunkiness". But there really nice to each other, other then the fact that she's crazy.

9. Duncan- (friend) Ginny likes the fact that Duncan isn't cough cough afraid of anything cough cough. Despite he's afraid of a standee.

10. Courtney-(friend) Ginny loves Courtney's enthusiasticness and her stradigizing (sp) and how that she's duncan's lady love, it shows that oppisites do attract :) cough cough Ginny and Steve cough cough

11. Lindsey- (Ok)Ginny hates Lindsay for her stupidity. But she's okay that she's pretty she's a total loon...

12. Katie & Sadie- (enemy) One word. Annoying.

1. Ezekiel- (enemy) Ginny doesn't actually like Ezekiel cause he's not physichal and not daring like her.

2. Noah- (enemy)he's an udder bore to her. But she annoys the crap out of him without knowing :D

3. Beth-(Ok) Ginny doesn't have any issues

4. Eva- (Enemy)- bad personality bleh!

5. Cody- (enemy) he's a stupid flirt.

6. Harold-(Ok) she thinks he's a stupid nerd, which he's a skilled geek, but he's rather okay.

7. Tyler- (Ok) being Lindsiot's Bf, he's okay. for now.

1. Heather- (Friend) Ginny likes heather for her quick thinking and strategizing to go in the game. But she's like puppeting her for an alliance making Ginny one of the idiots to follow her to the "final 3"

2. Justin- (enemy) No. He may be "hot" but he's not. trust me.

3. Chris- (Ok) Chris is "okay" although Chris doesn't like her, she likes annoying him.

4. Chef- (OK)- As much as Ginny hates Chef, she thinks he's weirdly insane which is a good thing.

baw that's it.
2random4words chapter 9 . 11/24/2009
GREEN interacting with other campers (new and old)!

1. Duncan-not freind or enemy- She won't reallu care about being his freind much as he teases her and is slightly scared of the fact that she is slightly insane

2. Courtney-enemy-She is too logical and that makes freingship hard for Green so natrually courtney hates her insanity

3. Ezekiel-freind-hey she befriends everyone but still he is a little freaked out by her

4. Noah-enemy-TOO MUCH LOGIC!

5. Cody-not freind or enemy- they just ignore each other so that really dosn't matter

6. KatieSadie-freinds-She screams they squeal so yeah they are freinds

7. Harold-enemies-She was nice but because she hates his name started calling him ginger making him mad and hatred followed

8. DJ-freinds-they talk and are both nice peple but he is a little scared to let her near bunny

9. Bridgette-freinds-they just met and talk so freinds

10. Trent-freinds-she loves music so much and so heplays and she dances

11. Geoff-party buddies- they both love a wicked party so they hang out and can both be loud and obnoxis

12. Gwen-not freind or enemies-green dosnt understand srcasm so hanging out with gwen is strange

13. Eva-not freind or enemies- Eva already deals with izzy so green annoys her

14. justin- not freind or enemies- he ignores her she ignores him

15. Lindsay- freinds- her green is kinda dumb so they have many conversations about people and couples and reality TV

16. LeShawna-freinds-they talk but many people cant unerstand when they do


18. Izzy-freinds-crazy budies! they talkabout insane stuff.

19. Owen- freinds- who can hate owen

20. Tyle- not freinds or ememies- They ust talk very little

21. Heather-not freinds or emimies- she is too crazy for heather to handle.
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