Reviews for In Another World
Elmund9 chapter 1 . 6/12/2018
What? Now that ending was kind of disturbing. Apparently checking alternate realities is something that one shouldn't do.
Lioness Amythest chapter 1 . 5/1/2012

"Rei subconsciously saw Darien as a male version of herself, so she was attracted to him as a way of indulging her deep narcissism,

TOO funny. Love it
Lady Hamlet chapter 1 . 10/27/2009
I totally cracked up! The last part about Rini was great; I can picture their reactions!
Fedski chapter 1 . 10/3/2009
i think all i can say is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

great story!
WingedSmasher chapter 1 . 10/1/2009
xD omg the end was priceless!
Hurs Kane chapter 1 . 9/26/2009
Haha! That was a very clever story! My favorite was Haruka liking Darien because his tongue was in Serena's mouth. You're really good about writing suggestively yet still keeping it somewhat innocent. Thanks for mentioning the next chapter of STC in your author's note. It's nice to know that it's coming soon :).
Bunny1992 chapter 1 . 9/25/2009
XD That is so twisted, and yet funny! lol
CharmedSerenity3 chapter 1 . 9/25/2009
haha omg this is the most awesome twisted thing I have read lately.
Rakusa chapter 1 . 9/25/2009
! On a different note, I really enjoyed that, yeah, what is the deal with every guy and Haruka being in love with Usagi and every girl and Haruka being in love with Mamoru? lol... very entertaining, and his own daughter! I love Lita's last comment too.

I was just thinking the other day though, after reading Lilac Summer's stuff AGAIN, that you had a very similar style to her, whether it's unintentional or just a flattery of her style, I have to commend you, it's the style I most enjoy, the mix of humor and breather moments in the midst of very emotional chaotic events is a skill I very much appreciate and know i will never possess myself, and so i have to get it from you and rereading old stories I like, namely the two of yours. Yours though goes beyond just a short story and gets very involved, i have to set aside a lot of time to read it, whereas hers, I always know it will take forever, but i promise myself only one chapter, and end up reading all of them... not dissimilar to your own stories... dang you, i should be doing homework instead. Lol.
Runadaemon chapter 1 . 9/25/2009
Darien was a slut in that realm...assuming he acted on nine/ten/eleven beautiful women being in love with him. lol. So, you had a few mistakes, and I'll point out the ones I notice from here:

1. Maybe it’s just not an Outer Senshi thing

-just should probably be AFTER 'not' if I'm reading the meaning correctly.

2. Not compared to Mikai’s biceps it’s not!

-should there be a comma after biceps? *tilts head* that one is debatable.

3. stated Rei, who had the ability to tell when people weren’t telling the truth, flatly.

-that one is just...really awkward. I mean really awkward.

4. Even Mina, who never stopped chewing her bubble gum, felt her jaw drop slack

-You might want 'felt her jaw GO slack' because...well, either it drops (open), or it goes slack, but I can't really imagine it doing both.

5. There was another one, but it wasn't a mistake, so much as really worded weirdly, and I couldn't understand it until I just reread it. By the way, I'm finding that when you read something backwards, one sentence at a time, you really DO catch all your mistakes. It's amazing.

So, I really loved this story. I laughed pretty hard. This game sounds kinda fun...if I had enough girl friends, I would totally play it. I'm scared to play it with guys though...wonder if the Senshi's guys ever met up to hang out during these things? _ Good original story.
Crystalinchen chapter 1 . 9/25/2009
LMHO that was so awesome and so funny!

You really have the talent to write excellent fics in different genres!
MindaAnn chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
Cute!Can't wait for your next piece
AngelMoon Girl chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
Hahahahaha HOLY FRIGGING COW! I just laughed my head off and it's the middle of the night... I should feel bad, but I really can't muster up the proper emotions because I'm still giggling. I LOVED THIS SO MUCH! Bahahaha. OMG. Going on my favorites list, thank you very much!
PsychobabbleDream chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
LMAO! That was a knee slapper. I love Setsuna in here!

Do update STC soon? *waits anxiously*
Amydali86 chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
Great laugh
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