Reviews for She is not dead, and his heart is beating
ChiaraNerwen chapter 1 . 2/28/2010
*happysigh* Catching up with all your fics is keeping me sane through this stupid hiatus *kicks hiatus* and this stupid London weather, so I think I should drop you a line to thank you.

So..yeah. There. All done.

PS: keep 'em coming, please?

tvaddictedgrandma chapter 1 . 12/22/2009
I was in the mood to read some fan fiction, and a friend said you were good. So, I decided to read so

ething of yours.

I thought this was brilliant. It laid out the months and said everything we know Tony was feeling.

I like your other stories as well, but I am too lazy right now to favorite. It is one AM here, and I am well over the age at which it is okay to be up past then.

I'll favorite them in the morning.

Again, GREAT job.
Mel chapter 1 . 12/10/2009
Love The Tiva. Oh Ya
outtabreath chapter 1 . 10/25/2009
Holy crap (in a good way)! This line just kills me:

"He does not know how he ever loved anybody else."
ferryboat George chapter 1 . 10/19/2009
Very intense stuff there.
Ele Goddess of Elements chapter 1 . 10/16/2009
wildpeace chapter 1 . 9/27/2009
This line made my heart just beat so hard:

"He speaks of life whilst she speaks of death, and that is the difference between them."

Because it's so simple and *so* true.

You really are good.
11nivea342 chapter 1 . 9/26/2009
He speaks of life whilst she speaks of death, and that is the difference between them.

- god, that's beautiful.

He remembered the last time he spoke to her. The gun had left a bruise over his heart.

- oh, tony, my tony. :(

He imagines the panic, the bubbling, seeping dread as she sank with the boat. Water, ankles, knees, thighs, waist, Tony, Tony, help me, Tony, please. Tony.

- god, that gave me CHILLS.

But more than that, he wants to make love to her, gently, tenderly, like lovers do, and kiss that swollen bottom lip, run his fingertips across the shadows underneath her eyes, tangle himself in her curls.

- beautiful. 3

He supports her tiny frame across the floor and down the corridor, and it is with a sickening jolt that he realises just how frail and thin she now is. Ribs grate, hips stretch and he is disarmed by her weight. Nothing there. Light as a feather. Almost gone. And she did not struggle.

- 3

i'd love to read more tiva. you have this down to an art. such a sad piece but so beautiful. so beautiful.
Autumn Dae chapter 1 . 9/25/2009
I started reading this last night, but had no time to finish.

I'll read your other one in a little bit here and can't wait!

You are such a beautiful writer.

Favorite lines, as tradition prevails:

"Whatever she says, she is not ready to die." Okay, so this was in you A/N, but I thought it was so right, so beautiful that it deserved to go here.

"Seeing her pale, hopeless face. The shadows and bruises and dry lips and dirty hair. A button clicked, a switch flicked, and he began to breathe again.

Four months is a long time to be dead."

"Her name was on his tongue and he saw her broken heart whenever he closed his eyes."

"Just her, resplendent in her utter honesty. No make-up any more, David, no green silk and tight tops."

"That’s all he needs to love her. She has never been so beautiful." Aw. So true.

"And Ziva was there when he missed breakfast, when he was stuck in traffic, when he grabbed his gear, when he solved a case, when he ate dinner in front of the cold light of a television. Ziva was there when he slept all alone in his cold little bed."

"He does not know how he ever loved anybody else." I totally just smiled at that. Aw. I really think, that if never before, this episode really displayed his love for her. It's just so obvious, and we all have seen it for quite some time, no doubt, but here, then-it had never been so clear.

"The gun had left a bruise over his heart." In more than one way, I think.

"And he knew that she believed those words more than she believed the golden necklace around her throat – long gone now, so long ago – and it made him violent and pulsing."

"August is when he falls, utterly and completely. A hope, a song, and a sunken ship are all it takes for words like gone and love and home to become meaningless. Grab your gear. Do not sleep. You’ll see her eyes and all there will be is hate. No forgiveness, because she could not make peace before she died.

He imagines the panic, the bubbling, seeping dread as she sank with the boat. Water, ankles, knees, thighs, waist, Tony, Tony, help me, Tony, please. Tony.

And then a gasp, a rush of air, and the terrible sight of a floating, empty woman.

And they all continue, somehow, they all manage go on, and their hearts goboom boom boom like nothing at all.

His own heart is a thousand miles away, deep beneath the sea." I was going to try and only pick a line from this section, but you've made it impossible with these words. I can't even imagine how much it would have hurt. This is heartbreaking (Is there another word for it? I've used it so many times.)

"September dawns with vengeance, and his own heart is loud and empty."

"One day when he wakes, his own little heart will not be thousands of miles away from him, but deep within his chest, and it will be beating proud and true."

My goodness, you have captured it all perfectly. Amazing job. Truly wonderful. Like blood red rubies-you found it. Your other story is next on my list!
daseyislove chapter 1 . 9/25/2009
loved it!
Quinndolynn chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
This is also outstanding. Oh! I'm so happy to have found these, I've been looking for good recent fic...
mia58 chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
First, I thought both Cote and Michael did an exceptional acting job! Now to the review: I like the way you used the same story telling scheme as the episode - back and forth present to past.

Also like the way you explore more deeply the emotions alluded to in the show. Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but, I thought he put his feelings out there and now the possibility of Tiva appears more real. And I love the optimistic ending. Hope it come true.
chrissyjoy chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
Awesome! I love it! Captures all the emotion without the humor to distract (not that I don't like humor, cause I love that part of the show, but I was disappointed in how the episode was too humor-heavy.) :)
Aksannyi chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
Wow, very angsty and very deep. I enjoyed this immensely; as it seems to capture the premiere very well.
XX-Samantha-XX chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
Great, great fic, well done ! can't wait to see what you write next :D
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