Reviews for Stay
bkyn bytes chapter 1 . 2/19/2012
Not only totally hot but you got Juliet's character pegged. It seems her past experience prepared her to be so enamoured and in lust with james. I loved that they were friends first and foremost.
DimplesGirl chapter 1 . 10/16/2010
"Love has never been that kind to her, but James is." - amazing line. I adored this! It was so...,well, them and really who can say no to Suliet smut? I know you wrote this awhile ago but maybe you'd consider doing some more? Please?
Kasey22 chapter 1 . 1/1/2010
Beautiful. Absolutely superb.
cematin-la chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
Fiona chapter 1 . 10/29/2009
Excellent! both characters spot on - the chees-i-ness of james "who taste like heaven to the real emotion of feeling right together was beautiful - more please
dhamalove chapter 1 . 9/30/2009
Oh my gosh...that was wonderful(and HOT)! Please, please, please write more of these ;).
makealist chapter 1 . 9/27/2009
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! It made the back of my neck flush - all the way to the ears. Excellent.

"Juliet barely recognizes this strange hybrid of Sawyer and James"

That was nice - because it reminded me very much of his inner thoughts in your earlier story. Just shows how in tune they are.

"He pins her down like he’s trying to prove a point, determined to hold at bay the urgency that has dictated their previous encounters"

To me, that was probably the hottest part. Couldn't tell you why, but it was.

So, you'll write more of these, right? Please?

(and thanks for the compliment!)
Aurora1020 chapter 1 . 9/27/2009
This story is totally hot but, even more than that, I love how well you wrote Juliet's thoughts on her feelings for James and their developing relationship. Your writing is so descriptive! I hope you continue to write more soon!
lightning chapter 1 . 9/27/2009
Totally hot! I'd write a longer review, but there are just no other words to say how totally hot this is.

What's not to like? You tied in real story elements about their personalities and, it was hot.

O.k., maybe you could a write longer story, with lots of chapters, but my screen would probably melt, oh, do it anyway.

Spouses all over the world should be thanking you.
geminiebo chapter 1 . 9/26/2009
I really LOVE this. I like the rawness and desire that they have for each other. I really like how James desires her so much and he isn't afraid to tell her. I like that HE is the one who initiates the relationship. I always felt like they had a really intense, passionate relationship and I felt that came across on screen beyond just the flower scene. You really seemed to capture the essence of them. It's not just a physical thing between them, but really an emotional connection that they have. And that really came out in this fic not to mention that is was just plain HOT! LOL! Great job!
Youfoundme2 chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
One Word... AMAZING!
MaggieMayI chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
awesome. nuff said.
KaydenceRei chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
I'll feed your muse, because just like the last one, I absolutely loved this. I feel dirty reading smut. And I like it! LOL

Not sure what that's saying about me, but I'm saying you're an amazing write! Smut or no smut. And the fluffy ending pains me in a good way. I adore the fluff.

And no worries. I haven't forgotten about your prompt ideas! Your smut encourages ME to go smutty.. go figure!

You need to write more soon though. Because I love your James/Juliet stories. They're just that brilliant!

Thanks as always for a wonderful story! I can go to bed happy now. Of course.. now I'll sleep imagining James naked. Though I suppose that's not a bad thing.. good dreams tonight!