Reviews for Balance: The Collision of Light and Dark
Laviente chapter 20 . 2/23/2018
And now for the more or I should say less then favorable of review. D:

First off I will start by saying aside a rather - shocking and mind-numbing aspect, I was highly intrigued by the aspect of this plot. Moreover with how you took the concept of integrating Kurapika into the Geneiroydan which is something I have seen rarely done thus far (though I sat for the longest thinking was the only one to plan this out lol) especially with how you used a rather unique method to cease the rather strained and insurmountable enmity between him and Nobu. Never thought I'd see something like that done, albeit it was a forced method as the primary catalyst for ceasing that eternal blood-feud they both seemed to continuously harbor. Granted, out of the entirety of the Geneiroydan, Nobu in my opinion would be the hardest to crack all considering his stance on feelings regarding Uvogin. But to see it done in this aspect was very interesting indeed. Despite that it took a relative short amount of time even though I do believe to eliminate abhorrence that deep would take much longer, you made it at least believable.

However, despite all these wonderful aspects and the fact that I couldn't stop reading due to the enthralling plot devices, I will state that I was rather... For lack of a better word, a bit disturbed to cringey proportions when it's finally revealed what Kurapika's 'secret' is. One thing about me and I have nothing against anything transgender; quite to the contrary, but the fact that Togashi designated Kurapika as strictly male and never hinted nor contrived Kurapika as anything but and being nearly hard-core cannon, it was a bit much when I learned of this aspect, especially as not everyone is into this sorta thing. There was never a hint of a warning or inkling of what to expect aside the notification of potential shonen-ai/yaoi which was nice in itself, but considering that this is a form of gender bending and there may be people out there who dislike things of that nature, I would really behoove to at least drop a warning. To get hit like that with content that you may not be comfortable or ok with can really be a shock to the system to say the least. D:

Aside that, I am not going to lie this was a pretty well written fic and a lot of the aspects within it's content was definitely nice. I did like the nifty aspect of there being potential Kurta's out there that are pretty much half-breeds which gives a much different twist. Again, it is a shame that this story does remain incomplete.

Still, very much kudos to you!
slyside chapter 21 . 9/20/2017
Like it love it continue it please
Pandalion143 chapter 21 . 3/5/2017
Guess (s)he never decided too bad this was really good
Rie-san chapter 21 . 1/3/2017
Please update! It's really good!
Guest chapter 21 . 5/29/2016
Beautiful story...
Guest chapter 21 . 9/23/2015
This is the second time I'm reading this yet it still keeps surprising me and making me enjoy it all over again. I LOVE IT SO SO BAD! This story is so beautiful and I love everything about it, espically Kurapika staying as a boy instead of a girl because if you know me you would know that I LOVE yaoi XD! The love between Kuroro an Kurapika is progressing so beautifuly it makes me fangirl all over the place! I also love the intecations and friendship between Kurapika and Nobunaga an the fondness of Kurapika and Killua. Please keep on writing this amazing story ;) Its too amazing to be left behind and forgoten
Guest chapter 4 . 7/26/2015
This..this..this story...ITS TOOOOOOO DAMN GOOD XD! I love you so so so much for making this beautiful story. Gosh I wish I can hug you till you die ;D you have to be the best, no exaggeration, fan fiction writer in the UNIVERSE XDXDXDXDXD I LOVE YOU .. sorry if I got too affectionate, I just love to be a hardcore shipper :) You are so talented I'd hate anyone who doesn't agree with me on that. Keep on writing sweet heart
NoahEarlGraves chapter 21 . 7/19/2015
hands down this is my favourite chapter. i just love how gon, killua, leorio, and kurapika make a perfect family. i mean, it looks so right (even in the original anime)! even though i do ship kuroroxkurapika. i like this fic. A LOT.
NoahEarlGraves chapter 20 . 7/19/2015
your writing definitely evolved. at the first few chapters I wasn't so sure of it that I considered to stop reading but gosh I'm glad I didn't. I'm impressed by the improvements and I really, really like this story XD
reeeeeeeeeeee chapter 20 . 6/12/2014
"Kurapika had once been an adorable little girl." Yeah, that killed me… We were 'this' close. 'THIS' CLOSE. /TT\\) To having a through-and-through yaoi story. Although I have to say, I don't mind it too much. Your story is still good. :)
reeeeeeeeeeee chapter 19 . 6/11/2014
Oh no… don't tell me. Did you… genderbend Kurapika? /O.\\)
Ashenvale chapter 20 . 4/19/2014
Kuroro Lucifer is jealous. And a jealous Kuroro Lucifer is not a nice Kuroro Lucifer. - priceless! hahaha Kuroro sound so cute with this description
Ashenvale chapter 19 . 4/19/2014
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Surge of happiness :D I was kind of hoping that it is not a YAOI story. WOAAA
Ashenvale chapter 18 . 4/19/2014
WOAAA! finally! an interaction with one of the members of ryodan other than machi and shalnark yeepee
MyLiloITAChIassasin chapter 21 . 3/1/2014
Great so far. Cant wait for the update.
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