Reviews for We Are the Moon
Lady Nara chapter 2 . 7/9/2019
I don't know what made me randomly take a pause out of reading your other story and come read this one, but I'm glad I did. Wow, WOW this is well-written. I'm just amazed by the creative descriptions you use for things. This story is sad and profound but also very funny. Looking at death from Taichi's point of view feels somehow safe, or kind of healing.

The way you write Taichi, and the little details that you add, really remind me of all the things that make him so special. I continue to be amazed that despite it being very clear by the way you write him that you love him as a character, you don't fall into the "golden boy" trap of making him annoyingly perfect. Taichi has plenty of flaws, and they keep him relatable and make him even more lovable, and you give a well-rounded picture of him brilliantly.

Stuff that stuck out to me- Taichi musing on his mother being pretty hands-off so that he and Hikari basically took care of themselves. Every memory of Yamato LOL especially Koushirou sighing nostalgically about how Yamato was by a fountain watching while he was covered in post-its. I guffawed at that. Taichi reflecting on Yamato's eyes and then relaying that Yamato thought Taichi's eyes had a light that drew others in. Aww. Taichi hugging Hikari while she cried into his chest. Him admitting that he liked to be the center of attention- the bike, the implication of Sora's Look when he held up at the line at Yamato's casket. Taichi promising to protect Takeru. *blows nose* When Yamato's mother cried on Taichi and he was doing his best to be kind but was also super uncomfortable. Hikari commenting that if Koushiro and Daisuke liked anyone, it was Taichi HEH. And her apparently talking about her brother a lot at Takeru's home. Taichi smiling when he sees Yamato (and Yamato casually leaning against a headstone and scowling pfft) and then fainting. Wow, Sora will definitely think he's making a bid for attention. The line about headstones dotting the hillside like freckles on a redhead. It's so funny and evocative, and really feels like the sort of thing Taichi would think.

All the reflections on death and grief were really good. It makes me wonder if maybe you wrote this after suffering a loss, and that's why it's on hiatus. It's pretty difficult to want to get back into a writing groove like that after you've moved beyond the experience.
Anyway, I enjoyed this very much. Really beautifully done! If you write any more of it in future, I'll be beyond thrilled. It stopped right at the point where things were about to get really fun, I think. This version of Taichi and Yamato who had never met and were in these peculiar circumstances would be SO FUN to see interact. Anyway, thank you!
Tanya Takaishi chapter 2 . 12/14/2016
I can't remember why I started reading this. Probably because I love your writing. I've been following All Seems Beautiful for awhile now and I know I've briefly read some of your other things and I'm in constant adoration of your little snippets on tumblr. I'm sounding a bit fangirlish now, but ah, I love writing, good writing and its such a fun joy to find aspiring writers in the same fanfic world. This particular story of yours (which I noticed you are no longer writing, but I'm going to talk about anyway) really grabbed my attention. I knew from your writing already that you have an amazing knack for imagery and character building - but seeing that this is a sort of an AU where the digimon/world didn't happen means you have to build these relationships from scratch (and I get the sense that you were playing with the idea of what these characters would have been like if they hadn't met their partners - especially with the way you write about Yamato.)

The scenes regarding grief and death are so authentic that I can't imagine you writing them from anything but firsthand experience (not the dying part, ha! but the dealing with it part.) The "gone" and "zero" paragraph in this chapter was especially poignant. And I love the balance you manage to give all these characters - the awkward dealing with death as an outsider, the strange balance of grief and humor. I kind of laughed at Sora nudging Taichi along at the casket here, even when it was such a horrible thing to behold. I love the relationship you've built between them two, their friendship is hilarious. I wish I could copy/paste in here all the lines you wrote that were especially amazing, but then I'd probably be putting the majority of the story in my review.

So mostly I suppose at this point, reviewing this older story of yours here, is if you do venture to write something original, I hope you reach out to your fans here because I, for one, would pay good money to read it. ;) Keep writing.
TottWriter chapter 2 . 11/24/2015
Holy shit how have I not seen this fic before.

I mean, honestly, I love this so much. It's got a fantastic blend of creepy and lighthearted, and it's written so naturally as well. Adore, adore, adore.

I know it's hard to come back to something as old as this and pick up the strings, but if you ever do feel inspired to continue, I would read it in a heartbeat. Awesome stuff.
Riddle Rabbit chapter 2 . 2/4/2015
Wow. I love your writing and sense of humor. The characters are lovely and I truly enjoy the story itself. Since you haven't written a new chapter for the past years, I'm guessing that you've lost your muse for writing this. However, I would like to say, that I enjoy this story and your other stories. If you find your muse back I hope that you will continue this.
crestoflight3 chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
Tai's bike is named Bastion. From Never Ending Story. You are amazing; I think I already said that, but it has to be said again.
Russian Prince Kai Hiwatari chapter 2 . 11/2/2012
This is actually a rather cute yet depressing story. I enjoy it honestly. Thank you for writing it and I hope that you continue to write it. I can't wait for the next chapter. 3
curious chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
I know life can get really busy, I was just wondering if maybe you could update this story or any of your stories with a note if you're going to discontinue any of them or if they're on hiatus... Unless you're not discontinuing any stories, or formally putting things on hiatus, in which case: Godspeed with your writing! And good luck with everything keeping you busy!
terracannon876 chapter 2 . 8/27/2010
The timeline for this story is a bit convoluted, but other than that, I like how this story is going. I hope you update this story sometime soon )
aoitsuki77 chapter 2 . 8/2/2010
This story is very well written. It's sad, but the way you write from Tai's veiw is great. I hope you update soon! I really want to see where this goes.
thumbtack postcard chapter 2 . 12/8/2009
I'm a little bit thrilled that there's something this interesting and well written in this fast becoming obscure fandom. Featuring my favourite characters and everything. SO please continue!

PS: The line "Headstones dotted the hillside like freckles on a redhead" delivered an untimely but appreciated laugh.
rikuboo chapter 2 . 10/20/2009
I like. Kinda Bleach-Ichigo-Kurosaki-ish, and then very not at the same time. Certainly more tailored for Digimon. The characterisations are good, and it's a well written AU. Taichi's viewpoint seems pretty solid too. Great start.

P.s. I wish you'd update All Seems Beautiful, as it's the sort of (good) fic that I've been searching for for a long time. Can't get enough of it!
xReadItAndWeepx chapter 2 . 10/17/2009
Sorry, for the late review.

Things just keep getting more interesting. I'm trying to figure out Yamato's character her since, though he's very talented and probably a good big brother, he just watched as Koushirou got bullied.

Hmm. Did Sora know Yamato more than Taichi and Koushirou? She seems a little more affected by his death than them. Or that could also be because she's a caring individual. Either one.

The scene at Takeru's house with Taichi and Natsuko was done brilliantly. You could really feel the awakrdness of him trying to comfort someone he doesn't know.

The funeral was done well also. I laughed when Taichi fainted after seeing Yamato's ghost.

Are you going to be adding other Adventure and 02 characters as the story goes on?

Please update as soon as you can.
Angelfish369 chapter 2 . 10/12/2009
That was so wonderfully mysterious. I feel so drawn to the way you write. I'll be waiting for updates.
feelxinfinite chapter 2 . 10/10/2009
Man. This is a complete throwback. I grew up watching Digimon, and I was feeling randomly nostalgic all week, so I decided to give the ffnet archives a go... and. I really wasn't expecting to find gold.

I'm twenty now, so I should try to keep the squealing to a minimum, but I really just wanted to review and thank you for writing this. I'm glad that I don't have to lose all hope about people continuing to contribute to old fandoms. And I don't have to lose hope because there are savvy writers out there, contributing stories like this one.

You have this amazing grasp on language, and the story flows astoundingly well. I really love the natural flux between humorous and somber. I'm usually not into supernatural fanfics unless they're written believably, so you should trust me when I say that you're doing an amazing job on that. And for the record, I'm ridiculously happy to see a story about my two favorite characters in digimon. :)

Looking forward to the next chapter~!
bed of nails and sandpaper chapter 2 . 10/10/2009
this is definitely one of the better ghost fics that i've read

i hope you update really soon

i love the narrative sound and I hope i don't sound like a cocky english teacher when I say that ]

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