Reviews for Only Light And Momentary
Polly Little chapter 8 . 6/8/2016
With the tea smuggling, I think Alfred just liked the danger. Adrenaline junkie...
TheSeerVolva chapter 5 . 4/29/2014
Actually Canada was going to go into isolation before the war (can't remember WWII or WWI but i'm pretty sure WWII cause in WWI they had this "bright idea" that hey it would bring the country a patriotic flair and we'll used Canadian made everything and that was like the worst fucking plan either seeing as the ross rifle never shot and their uniforms never helped with the rain or cold.) started too but then heyo the British where like "Fight?"
and at first Canada is like "well..." and then they're like "... yeah their pretty fucked, lets go."
Guest chapter 5 . 3/10/2014
Alouette, gentille alouette
Alouette je te plumerais
Je te plumerai le nez
Je te plumerai le nez
Et le nez
Et le nez
Shinora1996 chapter 8 . 9/5/2013
You killed me with the argument. You nailed it so hard! That's exactly how I see they would get along.
I think Canada is the only sane one there. Really.

I really loved this fic. Except for the very mature things. Skipped those. Sorry, I'm a kid.
At some of the...not so pretty things in earlier chapters, I cringed, like: "Oww...yeah, that happened. Ouch." Why does history have so many non-pretty moments?

I love your writing style a lot, before I forget to say that. Sorry for the crappy review. I'm weird.
me chapter 4 . 9/3/2013
i can't believe i ever laughed so hard as when i read lars took poor matthew to the wallen!
i absolutely love the rest of the story too, but i just had to say that.
Chihori-chan chapter 8 . 2/8/2013
This is such a cute story! Great job. :)
slioe chapter 8 . 10/10/2012
is the first time I read this pairing and..I love it!:). I totally enjoy it.
xXthenextbookwormXx chapter 7 . 8/30/2012
Haha! I am having so much fun reading all this stuff from a fellow Canadian. You know, if you had that much fun with poutine, you should come to Halifax sometime, and try a real donair! (Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of poutine, and since I moved to Halifax, I have yet to get around to trying a donair... *Is sheepish*)
xXthenextbookwormXx chapter 5 . 8/30/2012
Silly questions: first, how does the Dutch Succession work? I know that in England it's the first born, although it has only been so since relatively recently... Does it work the same way in Holland, or what? Also, Princess Juliana's husband: did he come to Canada as well? Cause I can't imagine it easy to get out of German occupied Netherlands at that point. It's just, he was mentioned once here, in passing, and he isn't even present.
ayame93foreva chapter 8 . 8/5/2012
i spent a lovely afternoon reading this wonderful tale. i just wanted to say that i loved every chapter, and you made me laugh and cry. i have fallen in love with this pairing, and you made it just that little bit more special with the translations and the little history lessons at the bottom.

thankyou very, very much.


((you can find me on deviantart if you want to chat. id love to thankyou properly :3))
Razzledazzy chapter 8 . 4/28/2012
I love you so much that is all.
Sorashota95 chapter 8 . 4/27/2012
I love this story! It's amazing how perfect your history and research was. Bravo! chapter 8 . 4/5/2012
This story is just so cute! I love this pairing so much and with the added history it makes it even better! Thank you so much for writing this! It was lovely. Plus I learned a little at the same time! Again, thank you so much for writing this story.
Fandals chapter 5 . 3/23/2012
I always hear people calling Stephen Harper, Harpy. XD
Goddess-of-Genius chapter 8 . 2/4/2012
What more can I say than this has been amazing! I loved how you portrayed Lars and Mattie. I found this cute, and the relationship through the years between them was brilliant. Great job!

Kind Regards,~ Gg
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