Reviews for Underexposed
Nicoconsd chapter 29 . 7/10/2019
I'm so glad I found this story while I was diving. Such a wonderful tale of healing and love. I have to throw in though... I'm a canon. Thanks for the wonderful adventure. :)
monica03 chapter 29 . 5/12/2019
What a powerful yet wonderful story. At times it was hard to read, it was so painful to live through Jasper's pain. You did an amazing job conveying that.
Aggie94 chapter 29 . 10/14/2018
Love the story. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing your words. Meg
Belle chapter 29 . 8/5/2018
It is such a beautiful story. It captured every emotion, sad and happy. I really loved your style of writing. This story for sure is one of the best stories I have read in a while. Each chapter spoke so much to me about never-ending love, selfless behaviour and hope for a better future. You make the words so much more meaningful. It really made my day to read something so touching and heartfelt. You are really talented and I hope that you will keep writing in the future too.
Green Eyed Lana Lee chapter 1 . 7/23/2018
I'm surprised by how gentle and loving Jasper is. I believe it's because Rosalie needed him so badly in order for her to survive and because he loved his little sister so very deeply!

Bela is probably the best person he will ever encounter to love and adore him!

I loved Emmett as Jasper's tattoo artist!

I'm deeply saddened by the abuse Jasper withstood in order to protect his sister from hiss Mom!
nifflers vault chapter 29 . 9/21/2015
This is such a beautiful story, I'm so glad I took the time to read it and appreciate it. Thank you for writing such an exquisite piece.
Cory5300 chapter 29 . 4/7/2015
Wow! What an absolutely amazing story. It gripped me from the beginning and I couldn't stop reading. I couldn't help but root for Jasper and Rose to overcome their childhood obstacles and happily smile with joy when they did. The story was so emotional for me and the many crumpled tissues beside me are the evidence.

Every scared little sister should have a big brother like your Jasper and every young man that goes through the horrors that Jasper faced should be rewarded with a woman like your Bella. Thank you for the fantastic journey and HEA.
Guest chapter 29 . 12/9/2014
This is a work of art
RavenShadow83 chapter 29 . 9/29/2014
omg that is a wonderfull story i dont normally read the ah ones but wanted to give this one a go and i not dissapointed was totaly worth it well done xxxxxxxxxx
Marjory Stewart-Baxter chapter 1 . 8/11/2014
This is such an amazing story so far! And it's only chapter 1!
HatoriFangirl chapter 29 . 7/11/2014
I think this is the first time I've clicked all four boxes under the "Follow/Favorite" section.

I really don't know what to say. I stumbled across this story a few days ago now, possibly a week (it's all been a blur, really), and I've had a difficult time getting away from the computer and doing the things I need to do instead of reading it. Every chapter has been so well written, the characters so deep despite being almost completely different from the original series, I have been continuously amazed at this story and your skill in writing it. Between you and your betas, I can't imagine this having come out any better than it has. I realize it was finished some years ago now, but I'm glad I somehow found it and decided to read it. It's most certainly been worth it.

So thank you for writing this. For taking the time to do it the way you knew it needed to be done. For not giving up on it. Forgive me for being four years late in finding it, and thus unable to share in the hugs at the end of each chapter. I wish this was a book so I could keep it on my shelf and pick it up again someday. Maybe I will anyway. :)
Hellomai chapter 29 . 7/2/2014
So glad I came across this story... I was looking for a Bella-Jasper story and thank god i kept looking until yours appeared. Couldn't put it down... Love it
Born in 20th Century chapter 1 . 5/26/2014
great start
tanseynz chapter 29 . 5/19/2014
This is beautiful, written, I think, with some personal knowledge both of loss and photography, and a story made to be reread every so often, to remind us of what we take for granted. I love it and have favourited it.
Lunar Xylop chapter 29 . 2/11/2014
I just finish reading your story and I loved it. It's so hard and so sweet at the same time that it makes me cry sometimes. And it also is really well-written, it was a pleasure to read it.
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