Reviews for Magic of the Spring
Nairil chapter 1 . 7/23/2016
What an interesting spring they have in the Earth Country! This was cute, especially the scene with old coupple. Very romantic piece of NejiTen fan fiction! Thanks!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/4/2016
this is wonderful! 3
Tsujitani chapter 1 . 11/16/2013
Very good! So sweet, loving, and sexy all at once! Great job! :D
Jaylonni Love chapter 1 . 7/22/2013
Honestly, it's not bad for your first try. I enjoyed it.

Jaylonni Love
THE ALL SEEING EYE AND WEAPONS chapter 1 . 9/25/2012
That was one heck of a story.

Now I'll have to soak my self in ice
nice foundation or base of the story
wonderful job keeping them in charecter
wonderful confessions
awaome romance
nice lemon cause there is only one i love and thats A touch of love but for the first time HATS OFF AND A LOTS OF THUMBS UP NO CLAPS OR ELSE MOM WILL HEAR (warning i am not a perv nor am i jiraya or kakashi in this feild)
roxasloverr chapter 1 . 10/20/2011
That was a really good one for your first time. I've read quite a few lemons (im no pervert!), and that's really good for a first timer :)
Bloody Constant Writer's Block chapter 1 . 6/15/2011
not bad compared to some other lemons I've read but still not as good as my favorites. I like the storyline though!
Lady Callista chapter 1 . 3/25/2011
Not bad at all, and I'll even bump that up to pretty darn good knowing it was your first lemon. I generally like ones with more emotion in them, but at least you had a reason for them going so fast, lol. Nicely in character, and well written. Kanpai!
anna chapter 1 . 2/6/2011
that frigging hot i begov you wite more your so imaginative :D
AkaneTheSlayer chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
That was the first time you've wrote that?

Doesn't seem like it. Cute

I'm not a Perv but I like things... hot :3
AkaneTheSlayer chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
That was the first time you've wrote that?

Doesn't seem like it. Cute

I'm not a Perv but I like things... hot :3
Levi Ackerman chapter 1 . 9/14/2010
I was looking for this when I found out you're written a lemon...

This is beautiful. It's eloquently written and very in-character! And I love the way you've described everything, especially Neji's gentle passion. It's so perfect ) I wish you'd write more of these!

And yeah, it's hellishly hot. I need a cold shower P God, I love your Neji.
Harmonie Roux chapter 1 . 8/18/2010
Hola hola...

en primer lugar, te mando un saludo y felicitaciones por ser 100% fan NejiTen, eso deja en claro tu buen gusto ;)

Esta pareja necesita mucha actividad en el fandom, y no me explico como siendo tan perfecta y hermosa, hay pocos seguidores de ella _

Lamentablemente escribimos en idiomas diferentes, sin embargo, sí leo en ocaciones en inglés y he de decirte que me gustó tu fic. Amo el NejiTen, más aún el lemon de ellos dos -

Continúa así, hay que convertir a más personas a la NejiTenten-manía...

Un fuerte saludo de parte de otra NejiTenten-maniática w
shelwyn chapter 1 . 8/12/2010
Your kinda bad at writing sex...

*sweat drop* xD

It looks like they realy realy wanted to have sex...

Stimulants in the hotsprings :o?
Kyanie chapter 1 . 6/10/2010
Phew! That was Hot!
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