Reviews for You Belong With Me
MiaReichts chapter 12 . 6/3
I know the story is quite old, but Sasuke makes me really angry. If he knew Sakura blackmails Naruto he would break off with her? But for the things she did to Hinata not?
Sasuke doesn't want to be seen with Hinata but to make Sakura jealous it's alright? He is the most egoistic person in this story even more like Sakura. He can stand up for Sakura but not for Hinata?

Even I'm a sasuhina fan but in this story I would've prefer Gaahina.
grcminion chapter 3 . 11/23/2019
okay... major breaking point. I mean.. after all of that im really curious to see how they reconsile. They basically made it okay for them to hurt her , belittle her and im pretty sure, they expect her to be fine with it. because "she's kind" . like ... whoa. I don't know. seems like a destructive relationship brewing.
Bluewarrior3 chapter 3 . 11/10/2019
Im only on ch.3 and i really dont understand how this can be a hinatasasuke story. I mean clearly they end up together but really this just sucks, the whole being mean to her, ignoring her, not being there for her when she needs it the most is just plain awful. It would have been so much better being a garrahinata story. In this story sasuke and naruto dont deserve her.
wheexing chapter 10 . 6/28/2019
Isn't Tobi's mask white?
Midnights-AM-Child chapter 4 . 8/26/2018
I hate to be negative, but this story left a lot to be desired. The characters are OOC, but worse they're cruel and/or spineless for no reason. There is no reason Hinata should choose Sasuke. This might be a better Gaara/Hinata fic.
Mendokuzai21 chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
Aniki is big bro. Better just stick with fully eng. i wish main character like hinata, sasuke and gaara stay in character cause that the reason I search for sasuhina fanfic. If not, then i can just grab any books with new characters that i dont even know what kind of personality. Others i dont really care cause i love the concept. Might give a shot for another two or three chapters. Not sure should I continue or not.
Guest chapter 38 . 12/16/2017
I wanted this to be Gaahina, but i am ok with this
Ilovekarma chapter 32 . 12/14/2017
I looooooooooooooved it best story ever!
OMG chapter 3 . 9/12/2017
Jshdgd cnid
SourSweety chapter 39 . 3/24/2017
Uhm hi? I'm Rhy as you see. I have been reading this story for so long but I couldn't review because I haven't signed up yet before. I just wanna tell you that I love what you did in this story and how it turned out to be. I guess I just wanted to say, good job.

I guess, I can cope with another story. Yeah... I wanna read it in the future someday. I trust your writing skills and creative mind. It kinda makes you my second idol.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/18/2017
Don't please don't make hinata and sasuke get together he is such a jerk and doesn't deserve her.
Guest chapter 10 . 11/12/2016
Naruto stated clearly in the beginning (in his thoughts) that the reason why he abandoned Hinata was because he lusted after Sakura and clearly was just a shitty friend who'd abandon anyone for pussy. This whole conspiracy thing you're trying here to make us forgive him is not really working and seems very contradictory.
Guest chapter 9 . 11/12/2016
Even after all of this, all the people that have talked to him, Sasuke still doesn't defend Hinata and let her be treated like shit by his slut - this just doesn't work as a romance between them, cause he doesn't deserve her.
Guest chapter 21 . 11/3/2016
You're making this so hard for me. I kinda ship Hinata with everyone... Arghhhh! You're messing up my mind.
ohbuoy chapter 36 . 7/20/2016
itachiiii :o! 10/10
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