Reviews for Fever Dreams
Dark Evelight chapter 34 . 7/19
This story was truly amazing. You portrayed L and Light so well, and it was so believable for their characters and the development between them. Thank you for taking the time to put your ideas on paper, because it's wonderful to be able to see beautiful writing, especially in fanfiction. You're awesome!
deathlyHealer chapter 7 . 5/18/2019
Haha L definitely got to the point quicker than Light expected him to. XD also, you gotta be a genius to write a genius, and you're definitely writing these genii well :p
deathlyHealer chapter 5 . 5/18/2019
Ahaha this is so awesome. So much drama. I love it!
deathlyHealer chapter 3 . 5/18/2019
That. Is freaking, GENIUS. Holy shit I'm actually really surprised I've never seen anyone else use that method to get everyone to forget about the Death Note. Very thorough. Dang this is cool.
deathlyHealer chapter 2 . 5/18/2019
Yes. It's very god. Very, very good.
deathlyHealer chapter 1 . 5/18/2019
Oh shit this is good
Beyond Lawliet 420 chapter 1 . 7/20/2018
I really enjoy the way you write Light and L so far. Interesting.
FancifulRivers chapter 34 . 8/8/2015
I've just spent hours reading this entire story (completed stories are a joy), and this was brilliant. And aside from the tons and tons of sex, this could have worked as the plot for the anime to be honest, I would have loved it if Light wanted to give up being Kira, but not in the way of "Here, let me give up, arrest me, I'm Kira!" I love your depiction of L so much, and I think you portrayed Light and his second chance very well. Perhaps it's cruel of me, but I can't help but be kind of glad that Light got so badly burnt destroying the Death Note, if only for him to receive some consequences. It's also great to watch him puzzling out why Kira's ideals and solution were ultimately futile. I don't think that it feels like a slapped-on ending at all, I'm just glad that it ends up being a relatively *happy* ending for L and Light (especially L).
may of rose chapter 34 . 7/11/2015
wow. I have a question for you ? Have you ever seen a bad diction fanfiction where l is a woman? also I like your stories I just finished reading all your stories.
passanger chapter 34 . 3/20/2015
This is a truly exceptional story. I think it's perfect in almost every way, better than many stories some published authors have written, probably the best Death Note fanfic I've read so far. I am surprised it's not more popular than it is.
I really enjoyed it. Thank you.
L Lawliet Ryuuzaki chapter 34 . 7/11/2014
this was amazing. favourited.
rip chapter 1 . 5/20/2014
darth fluffy chapter 12 . 12/17/2013
Light is a metalbender now.
darth fluffy chapter 2 . 12/17/2013
I have to ask, was this chapter a shout-out to Avatar: The Last Airbender? Because something similar happened to Zuko in the episode "The Earth King". The previous episode, after spending a season and a half chasing the Avatar (the last hope for peace in the world), Zuko finally let his bison go when he had the chance. He then fell ill and spent the next episode knocked out with a high fever, and his uncle said it was caused by the stress of changing his ideals, since it was the first time he'd ever not hurt the heroes.

Though, if I had to pick a character from Avatar who reminded me of Light, I'd probably pick Jet. They both had good ideals, the just took it a little too far.
Guest chapter 9 . 10/27/2013
At the point where Matsuda was trying to have sex with L, I could feel one of the characters thinking "NOW it gets weird," even though it got weird a long while back.
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