Reviews for Chasing Eternity
HouseOf13lack chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
Yes, I do think this is an interesting premise. Eternal life, always covetted but never prized by its owner. Still, I think Peter/Ender would have had the guts to take control of this space time distortion. Then they would travel to another universe~! Sorry, my delusions. But good prose! Keep at it!
Aylveirn chapter 1 . 11/6/2010
Waiting very anxiously for more!
11kira11 chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
wow...thats all i got to say, just, wow...
lilkuizi chapter 1 . 4/4/2010
First I just want to say that the story was amazing. I've read every book (released so far) in both the Ender and the Shadow series and you write almost exactly like Orson Scott Card. The beginning was perfect, like a cherry on top. (haha) The words, the sentence structure, especially the references to history and Wang-mu's not, it all seemed like genuine Card. The one thing that bothered me was your reference to the Outside as Out-space. It's not too big a deal; it's probably just my OCDness (or am I godspoken? lol) I'm not sure what a review is supposed to be like because this is my first time writing one but this story is great! I would really like to read more from you.
StarryFeathers chapter 1 . 11/27/2009
Interesting, so this takes place after...dangit forgot the last book title. Xeniocide? No...dang... so far!

Immortalli chapter 1 . 10/7/2009
Interesting idea. It did, of course, cross my mind that they could all live as long as they wanted to with Jane around as I read it. What I'm REALLY curious about are Jane and Miro's children. What are they like? Are they just as mentally strong as their mother? Do they have human capacity? Or are they somewhere in between?

And I'm pretty sure it's the hive queen and Human/Rooter talking at the beginning, just like in Xenocide.
Ember Nickel chapter 1 . 9/10/2009
Interesting start! It felt complete, but I'm glad to see there'll be more on the way. Are we supposed to know who's "talking" at the beginning, or will that be revealed later on?