Reviews for Songs of the Naruto Tribes
Little Kunai chapter 3 . 4/15/2010
argh! you made this a real brainteaser but i might have been about zetsu?
Little Kunai chapter 2 . 4/15/2010
what a wonderful little insight into one of my first and most favorite characters
Cirrat chapter 2 . 4/5/2010
Good job on this one :-) I have to honestly say that I am over-Sakura-ed at the moment, and even though I liked the first chapter, it was this one that really really made me submit the review.

It is funny how this point in Gaara's life is frequently ommited - one minute he was that crazy homicidal Jinchuuriki and 'poof' and he's the sensible Kazekage few pages later. I guess even Masashi Kishimoto did not explain that, if I recall correctly. So, kudos for capturing a moment that is not usually picked for displaying - and for doing it very well and in a very human way.
Onileo chapter 3 . 1/15/2010
You're about to discover, my dear Atao-sama, that I suck at writing reviews. However, I will try my best. I really like this so far. Gaara's is my fave ATM, as I also love Owl City, and his story in general. I haven't really seen any OOC-ness. I'm curious though, as to who the third chapter is referring to. The best guess I can come up with is Madara/Tobi. It would make sense for it to be him in his own little twisted thoughts. Let me know if I'm right or wrong, I'm dying to know. I hope you continue with this, it's excellent.

AmIOtaku chapter 3 . 11/21/2009
Bah... I don't like song fics... they're silly.

Kidding, kidding.

Well, not completely. I don't like them when they don't make sense... and that's quite a bunch of them actually. But these songs you used, they make some sense with the fic. I don't even know them, and they still resonate and mesh well with the characters.

I don't know if I'm supposed to cry or what with these three chapters. I fell like I should, in a way, but I can't because even though they are sad, they are also, umm, what is the word I'm looking for? Um, they are simply poignant.

There is, I dunno, I guess I can only describe it as the main character of each not necessarily coming to terms with whatever life has thrown their way or fighting against it, nor is it being so melancholy about the whole of it. It is more like they are all breaking themselves down and then finding a way to build back up again. Whether it is starting from the beginning or just defining what they are, they are all building themselves. Looking for strength from the outside or within themselves.

Okay, I think I veered farther off than I meant to, but I like you FF. S, keep it up, plz.
Lucy Ash Hawthorne chapter 3 . 11/10/2009
so is this about Pein? if so it is very good well done!
Lucy Ash Hawthorne chapter 2 . 11/10/2009
well i loved it, it showed how Gaara has grown through the years with everyone's help!
Lucy Ash Hawthorne chapter 1 . 11/10/2009
Naruto will always do all he can for Sakura!