Reviews for Downbeat
CCDVIC chapter 1 . 12/14/2014
This is really cute. Actually, I don't know if that's the right word for it but whatever. I could totally see this happening, and it's interesting to see what breaks Maka, as sad as it is. Nice job!
Uncertain Anonymous chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
Tjat was an awesome oneshot.
lilahri chapter 1 . 5/13/2011
I absolutely loved this! You kept both Maka and Black Star in character perfectly! I loved Black Star's reactions to everything Maka did - especially when she tried to hold his hand. So funny! And he was very sweet (in his own Black Star way) when he demanded her not to leave him. Very cute )

I would love for you to write some more one-shots about Maka and Black Star's friendship. This was great!

Thanks for sharing this!

~ lilah
general zargon chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
Let me take a moment to say "Cute!" and congratulate you on making Maka and Black Star have a moment! _ I really liked this story, and I hope you write more fics about these two! Pre-series Maka and Black Star are so cute! All hail the fluff! Please keep up the excellent work!
Achalys chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
This was super cute! :D I think you did an amzing job at keeping them in-character, even when Maka was crying! X)

Oh, how I love Black star!

Again this was a super treat to read!

Have a great day!
glorysmile chapter 1 . 4/12/2010
Aw, this story was just so adorable! I love Black Star and Maka's friendship a lot. It was wonderfully written :) :)
Tempurasky chapter 1 . 1/2/2010
Thank you for the entertaining contribution to soul eater fiction.

I liked this one for including many of the things I like about Black*Star. Also, for making more back story, there's so much delicious room for it, I wish more authors would make up neat things like this instead of the usual highly unoriginal pish-posh. Currently I've become attracted to the idea of Black Stars inner maturity. It is interesting to know that despite all his banter, there really is a 'wise-beyond-his-years' aspect to him. Adding depth to his character along with his genuine loyalty to Maka.
reversediction chapter 1 . 10/29/2009
I love you. I actually ship this pairing because of that childhood connection. This was sweet and brilliant and made of godly-ninja-awesomeness! You got Black Star pompousness down to a T, and Maka's transition from bossy to depressed was well done! I envy how well you write the characters! I might attempt something Soul Eater now myself!

Nicely done!
helloheart chapter 1 . 10/3/2009
I think you portrayed their strange friendship in absolutely perfectly. *u*
Sunder the Gold chapter 1 . 9/20/2009
Nenena chapter 1 . 9/5/2009
I love this so, so much. This is awesome! Thank you thank you thank you for writing pre-series Black Star/Maka frienship fic, and for managing to keep them both perfectly in character. I particularly love your take on Black Star, everything from the ketchup for to the tree punch to him ordering Maka never to leave him. Just perfect. Awesome fic!
Tatsumaki-sama chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
Aww. That was rally sweet. At first, I was thinking it was a little weird of Maka to ask Black*Star on a date. But then, it all made sense when we found out that Maka's mother left and Maka was rather upset and torn about it. When Black*Star told Maka she isn't allowed to leave and he won't leave her either, I was all smiling. Great job!
gardenofstardust chapter 1 . 8/31/2009
This was a good oneshot! YAY FOR GEN! *ahem*

I liked the interaction between Maka and Black Star, I feel like their friendship is very under-written, and they've known each other since they were small. So, obviously, they would have a strong relationship. You portrayed this very well.

Also, I like the exploration of the issues between the Albarn parents. Again, something not written about much. And Maka's reaction to it was good. I can definitely see her doing something ridiculous and silly like that, it was very Maka-like!

And, as always, your writing is BRILLIANT!

I really liked it, keep on truckin'!

Happy writing!

Alliriyan chapter 1 . 8/31/2009
*big grin* It was awesome! You write them so well _ My attempts at writing are always kinda muted so it's great to see such hilarious dialogue.