Reviews for Impulse
PoeticLife chapter 1 . 7/22/2015
This is a really good story, and probably what happened then. I'm a huge fan of the Emily series, and I think you definitely did the characters justice. Good job.
Voodoobie chapter 1 . 10/31/2014
How Maud Montgomery could write a character like Ilse and not make her the protagonist remains a mystery to me.

The writing is not only well done, but flows very naturally. Ilse and Perry appeared in character, and I can tell you care about the original trilogy. Thank you for this work.

My biggest complaint is the switched perspective. However I am assumimg this and your fanfiction were written as one piece, so I can forgive this technical error.
Marant chapter 1 . 9/7/2011
What a wonderful story. If LMM hadn't specifically and repetitively made note of Emily's love for Teddy, I would have never given him a second thought. For this reason, Perry and Ilse were my favorite romantic couple in the series, and you brought them together so well!

P.S. I love the last line :D
IrregularHonour chapter 1 . 11/16/2010
Bravo! Brilliant. Typical Ilse Burnly. A delightful read and made me chuckle and smile all at once.
DiegoRedeemedLover chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
Very lovely story.

Ilse, even grown-up, will never be none other than the bright, sparkling tomboy who speaks her mind that we all grew to love, she will never grow out of that.

GAH! Now I NEED to find/check out/read the final book of the trilogy.

I love your writing. It is very reminiscent of L. 's style, and I love how the writing is lyrical and realistic.
TimeAndTide chapter 1 . 1/11/2010
Really, really liked this. I have a soft spot for Perry and Ilse and this story fills in the blanks very nicely regarding how they finally got together. Also admired the smoothness and flow of the style, which recalls L.M. Montgomery's without being too slavishly imitative.
erlkoenigin chapter 1 . 8/31/2009
Ich kenne zwar nicht das Buch, auf das du dich beziehst, aber die Geschichte gefällt mir sehr gut. Sie ist richtig packend, eine echte Achterbahnfahrt der Gefühle. Schraub deine ganzen FanFics zusammen und mach eine „richtige“ Geschichte daraus!



P.s Richtig erfrischend das Happy End in dieser verfahrenen Situation- So sollte das Leben sein!
A Forgotten One chapter 1 . 8/30/2009
what a fantastic story!:D i really like the ending. gosh, they make such a good pair...really satifying to read. Teddy and Emily are a, i dont quite know how to describe it.

anyway, apart from some sentences that could be worded better, brilliant use of words etc...yayayayayay cant wait to read more :D