Reviews for The Last Night of the World
Blonde Songbird chapter 1 . 12/25/2003
OH! I just recently saw Miss Saigon! And I absolutely ADORED it! *Sniff* So sad... *Cries* ANYway, this was really good because I love Moulin Rouge too! So this was like a dream come true -~ Keep it up!
The Lark chapter 1 . 7/26/2002
Bravo! The song was perfect for Satine and Christian :)
Kitty Kat chapter 1 . 1/7/2002
Okay, howdy doodle. I have to go soon so this will be short. You reviewed my Pearl Harbor story "Life Stories." You said that you lived 10 min. away from Was. PA. The reason I picked that city was because I wanted her to be in Pennsylvania but not in a big city. The only smaller but still pretty big city I know in PA is Washington because I live about 20 min. to 30 min. away. Okay, talk to me later cuz I really have to go. SNOW RULES!
Sparks chapter 1 . 1/6/2002
WOW! That song is so perfect with the theme to Moulin Rouge! Especially the "dreams were all I ever knew" - "you won't need dreams when I'm through" part. Beautiful job!
molly chapter 1 . 1/6/2002
very sweet!