Reviews for Old Enough
Guest chapter 1 . 2/13/2018
Guest chapter 1 . 3/13/2015
this is how it should have ended :)
mizukikage chapter 1 . 2/18/2014
Would you want to make a sequel? This was a good short fic. Totally loved it.
Savingfromfalling chapter 1 . 8/6/2010
This story is absolutely perfect. Nothing to improve on, everything is just brilliant. It's nice to see someone develop the character of Hicks, rather than that of Ripley. It's a nice change. You did a wonderful job portraying the thoughts and emotions of Hicks. I loved the "almost-happy" ending. Though I'd love to rave on and on about how beautiful this story was, I find it just too good for words. Phenomenal.
Zoorzh chapter 1 . 7/28/2010
A friend of mine told me to read this and I'm quite happy now that I did. It's good! Exactly the kind of almost happy ending that these three would have deserved!
Nan-darkness chapter 1 . 5/15/2010
*love* yes this would have been a VERY nice happy ending :D Thanks for writing!
felicityphoenix chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
Hey-you are not the only one who feels the way you do about Ripley and Hicks! I found this story by happy accident and i really enjoyed it. I hope you can do more, even one-shots if not a whole story. You've got good writing talent in the description department-don't let it go to waste!
Corph chapter 1 . 3/26/2010
Although it was too short, in my opinion, I thought this was well-written, entertaining, and most important, credible. I've been looking for a good Ripley/Hicks story, and this is spot on. Nicely done.
SymbolicDeacon chapter 1 . 2/21/2010
Because every true alien fan wanted to throw something at their TV after watching Alien 3. (Actually I snapped my Alien 3 DVD in my Quadrilogy set)

Lovelovelove! This is how it ended in my mind!

Your wrote Hicks so well, and I love the sweetness throughout the entire thing. Write more, please?

I'm tossing around some ideas for my own fanfic, but I suck ass at writing, so it may end up being written by whoever I can pawn the story off on T_T. It will take place after Alien Resurrection (I know, I know), but in typical Sci-Fi fashion Hicks and Newt will have been frozen for all of the years due to a Weyland-Yutani scheme. Eventually they will meet up with Ripley 8 and the Betty crew though, because while A:R was pretty bad, Ripley 8 was an interesting character...

Write more!~
Odiarda chapter 1 . 2/5/2010
Do you know how hard it is to find a Hicks/Ripley fic ? Well I'll tell you : it's impossible. You can't find one. I think there may be two other fics about them. So really, THANK YOU for writing that. It was such a beautiful piece, I loved how you wrote it from Hicks' point of view. It's... angsty sweetness ? Sweet angstiness ? I loved it, and I loved your 'happy ending'. They would've made such a beautiful family. I'm glad you made Newt fit there too

But really, it was really good. You should write another one and spread some really needed Hicks/Ripley love !
Black Ankle chapter 1 . 1/14/2010
I'm going to pretend THIS is how the story ended and that that pos Aliens 3 never existed. Beautiful work and a instant favorite.
scaragh chapter 1 . 9/25/2009
Wow, that was AWESOME! It was very sweet, and very realistic. I can totally see the whole thing, every word, happening - that is, if Alien 3 didn't screw everything up (I was so excited when Hicks actually survived at the end of Aliens...and then BAM! Alien 3 )

I really like how you kept it down to earth and very human, like how the nightmares didn't magically go away. Anyways, thanks for writing this, because Alien/Aliens fanfiction is so hard to come by, let alone something really good like this.
BespectacledMermaid chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
Whee! I loves it :D Yes, its totally the happy ending I want for our Ripley :)

"It felt great. It felt silly, kind of embarrassing and utterly normal. He was living with a woman he was attracted to and he was thinking about her naked. It was a relief to feel so mundane." - Fave bit I must say. Made me smile lots.

And finally, you are posting some of your amazingness online...Well cept for TLAD, but that don't count cus I'm sullying it :p