Reviews for Logical
Kittioto chapter 1 . 3/21/2002
SUPERTRAMP! Now THERE'S a great band! I tip my purple backwards hat to you, for that is true musical taste. _ Wow, I wish when I had birds they were that smart... but noooo, no, they had to fall inside their own cage, get wedged between the water feeders, and snap their necks. ~Sweatdrops~ I prefer cats and dogs now. That is, after I adopted that wild baby bunny because his momma died, but then he choked on a seed... ~sniffles~ ... and then, there was Timmy the Hamster... got caught behind the piano...

... AHEM! Anywho, great story! I really loved it, really really did! It fits Gohan quite well. _ ... and then there was all the fish, too...
soyamiso chapter 1 . 1/6/2002
good job! i'm glad somebody isn't out to write mindless nc-17 just to get reviews. and the logical song is a great song.
Tafkae chapter 1 . 1/5/2002
What the heck am I doing reviewing my own story?