Reviews for From Bedlam to Bliss
KNDtilldeath chapter 1 . 3/13/2010
i loved but i've s33n dat u ask ppl 2 rite storys y not one wiff the song knock you down i like dat and i would love it if u put a challenge for the song knock you down plzz and if u havnt heard plz hear it plz thnx
goodbye wonderland chapter 1 . 8/31/2009
I really and severely need to learn review. I must be crazy for allowing myself not to.

I LOVE your writing style. It's so thick, colorful and lovely that nothing can compare. Wally is sweet in this - repaying with a date? I wish I was going too.

-clears throat awkwardly-

Anyway, I also loved Kuki too in this. You had a little of her adult personality showing through with just the right amount of her bouncy self to counter it. LOVELY.

I know your very busy, and I hope I'm not being rude but, can I ask for more of your writing? You are officially one of my favorite 3/4 writers!

Hoping you are well,


(Lullaby )
lemony anemone chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
I really liked this!
klarriel chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
Aww, so cute!

I checked out your drawings and they're really good. I haent caught up with op. T.U.T.O.R in a while so I'm not sure who they are, but still, they're really good.

Great oneshot, and good luck in college!
sstoons3425 chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
Aw, poor Wally gets suckered into baysitting!

But I'd say it turns out pretty well for him in the end. ;)

Oh, and I looked at your drawings. They're both really good! You're a great drawer! :)

And I'm guessing the names in the second drawing are the teen's names in Operation TUTOR?

Great job!
hellopandaluver chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
Hehehheeheheheheheheheh AW how sweet :D

I totally loved it! And ur descriptions for things are just fabulous!

Love it!

and I wish u the best of luck in college )
mende5525 chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
awe dude that was so sweet, and i am reading your other story and will go check out your art work. Keep it up!
tater06 chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
AW! The next time I help a cute boy out, I hope he repays me with a movie on friday! That was adorable! Thanks for giving us this little treat before you head off to college.

Don't be nervous about college, by the way. It's okay to be scared, but you can do it! Think of it as a new exciting chapter of your life! Just make sure to fill those blank pages with something awesome!
Laurie43 chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
wally is really not cut out for babysitting is he?

good kuki was there as cleaner

i take it they were decomissioned or they have a bad memory lol

i looked at your pictures by the way but seening as i don't have deviantart i couldn't comment so i will comment here.. they were really good and glad you did a picture of the villains from operation tutor as i wondered what they really looked like

the kuki and wally picture i loved

you are very good at drawing

hope you write again soon