Reviews for A Dream, Aloud
Sallafe K chapter 1 . 11/22/2011
Ohmygosh, that was so sweet. :) Sweet and sad at the end but funny all throughout. :)

Gosh, I love this ship.
TalksLikeACat chapter 1 . 6/20/2010
Oh. My. God.

This is perfect. There's just no other way to describe it. It's been so long since I've read a fic good enough to actually make my stomach churn, and the writing is so eloquent and just agdfhsf. ;_;

The way you write them. It's perfect. This: " . . . Mello would realise that there wasn't shiny skin-tight leather without black and white stripes in the background." The line made me blink and do a double-take it was so perfect.

I'll quit rambling now. XD Time to go raid your other fics!
Lillie chapter 1 . 5/22/2010

That's so sad! (

It's very beautiful though!

Keep up tha great work!
Diabolus Kara chapter 1 . 9/4/2009
T.T That seriously made me cry a little. My sister looked at me like I was crazy (which I probably am, but anyway) so I made her read it. She cried, too. So we both agreed that this story is amazing as well.
BlankCanvas23 chapter 1 . 9/1/2009

Wow. That. That was, funny, and lovely, and really sad, and brilliant, and... Wow.


It's Matt. It's Matt all over, from the stripes to the gaming to the despreate secret longing; it's Matt.

And that, that is a really hard essence to define, especially in fanfiction, and particularly in terms of his relationship with Mello.

Because Matt got, what, twelve seconds of airtime? Fourteen frames? And we know very little of his history, or personality, but you've nailed it.

In all seriousness, one of the best Matt angst fics I've read. Well done; you should be very proud of this.
Miss Hal Gibson chapter 1 . 8/29/2009
This..this is beautiful! Poor Matty...:(
Edward slept with Poison Akii chapter 1 . 8/28/2009
You have just made yourself my new favorite author.
Haku'sBest13 chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
This was truly a delight to read, and it's ten times better than what this site usually offers! _ You showed a style of detailed, fulfilling writing that I have never seen before on fanfiction.

I loved how you showed different scenarios for what Matt would do in a situation, and it truly sounded to me that he would actually do and say those things. The single word at the end was very chilling(In a good way), and didn't take away from the intesity at all! I'm very glad you didn't put a whole sentence, that might have made the story seem very bumpy. But, for the most part, I wasn't very aware that I was reading a regular fanfiction.

The crude langauge you threw in was-in a way-necessary, but slowed the pace for me and took away from the vividness of the cool style. My suggestion is that you keep trying with those bad words and find a smoother way to feed it into your writing. Also, there are parts where there are some "speed bumps" that didn't seem like they were worked on quite like the rest of the story.

But, all in all, this was great! ) Keep it up.
Nozomi-sama chapter 1 . 8/23/2009
CHIBIBBLE-CHAN, WHERE HAS YOU BEEN? you feel off the face off the earth and changed your ff username and everything and i didn't even know until i read this. D:

oh, well, you're back now! and, i must say, i quite enjoyed this ficlet a lot. your writing is as sweet as ever. i really enjoyed the softly sad quality of this fic and that tinge of humor as well. it's so lovely.

i love the way your words flow. things fit together well in this story and it's not awkward or choppy. it's also realistically emotive and, gah, have i mentioned how much i love the flow?

one thing i would recommend, though, is to work on the length of your sentences. you have a lot of long, long sentences and some of them might be run-ons. mixing a good quantity both short and long sentences adds to the balance of the story, you know?

"(a whole Batman suit of it, if possible)" - this made me giggle. oh, matt. x3

" 'Let’s go beat the crap out of Him, then.' " - lol, mello, you lovely dearie. xD

"But he likes to think that if he could have snaked that hand up his shirt and touched the holes in his torso, they would have come away clean; leaving soft new skin behind.

Bulletproof." - and this made me slightly teary and sad. it's just so beautifully put. oh, matt. ;-;

so, yes, wonderful job! i'm glad you're writing again. :D
simsbabii chapter 1 . 8/22/2009

BlindAffection chapter 1 . 8/22/2009

this was really sad /:

like, it started kinda funny and cute, but then it progressively got sadder and now i want to cry :

but you did an excellent job,

i really liked it :]
lamentable chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
That was... beautiful.

You're incredible.

I don't really know what else to say, but that really touched me. :(
Philpot chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
This is really awsome the way you are writing it. I like the first person style that is more like the person's toughts and reactions to the hings around them. It makes it more realistic, just one question though, are you going to continue this? Its really good, but I'm not exactally sure what else could happen at this point, but it would be awsome if you did continue this, Thanks! Bye!
