Reviews for The Sovereign Six
Dazzlingsparkle chapter 2 . 8/13
jennchris821 chapter 23 . 7/28
I’m loving my reread of this story. I forgot how much I loved it when it was being written. I do have a question. What is this amaretto and pineapple drink?
QueenGB chapter 30 . 10/24/2019
I’ll miss the six. Thanks for sharing them with us all.
QueenGB chapter 29 . 10/24/2019
Forgiveness is define and all that but why the hell did Jacob show up to Bella’s wedding uninvited? I know everyone’s moved on blah blah but it’s the let’s just rock up to a private event that I think is rude. It was clear Edward didn’t want him there. Anyhoo.
QueenGB chapter 28 . 10/24/2019
So Alice is the first one pregnant huh? I was wondering where absentee Renee was. When she finally arrives is she going to make Bella’s day about her? Thank goodness Rosalie, Jasper and Bella have Esme.
QueenGB chapter 22 . 10/24/2019
Yay engaged! On a balcony facing CP is romantic. I’m glad Tanya won’t be a problem for Edward especially since she according to him is the reason for some of his business contacts.
QueenGB chapter 21 . 10/24/2019
Oh Edward is definitely buying that ring before they leave. Stay alert Marcus hello commission. Tanya sounds desperate and is she a cougar to Edward’s boy toy. So sad rude awaking in 5. 4. 3. 2...
QueenGB chapter 18 . 10/23/2019
I hope they build something bigger than the breaking dawn cottage. Families take space. Wonder who Jakes new girlfriend is.
QueenGB chapter 17 . 10/23/2019
Was Bella childish for not talking to Edward, stewing in her hurt and anger, lashing out at him from no where? YES! Was Bella a hypocrite for asking all the questions she herself should answer and bringing up Tanya? YES! Is the entire Sovereign Six group lame for going a decade without their true loves? Hell to the YES! Now can we just move forward and take a page from Emmett (yes I said Emmett) and make the moves to create the future you want. This is not the time to throw stones when you behaved no better. Duh Bella. And yes I am glad Edward didn’t let Bella stay on her high horse especially when she broke out the chappy though.;-p
QueenGB chapter 15 . 10/23/2019
That sucks for Jacob so give him a sexy new girlfriend. Maybe Bella’s museum replacement
QueenGB chapter 12 . 10/23/2019
Of course the panties were clean! Crunchy old panties are gross. And I’m sure Edward and Bella will let their dates down as easy as possible because they are meant for each other. It’s like Emmett said he already knows it his heart. If if you don’t admit it you know when someone is just not into you.
QueenGB chapter 11 . 10/23/2019
When Bella says it’s going to hard to let Jacob go well, I just don’t see it. He’s a cuddle friend. She doesn’t do anything sexual with him and more importantly she doesn’t share her heart with him. Given how she and Edward are together you see he never stood a chance. I’m glad she apologized to Carlisle because I had a similar conversation with a family doctor once and HIPPA laws are finite and parents stop hiding shit from your kids. When your gone and they are left floored and pissed you’ll be gone into the ether while they try to find closure .
QueenGB chapter 10 . 10/23/2019
Oh Charlie. He’s not going to make it? Unfortunately it’s when he pillars in our lives fall that we are forced to rebuild.
QueenGB chapter 8 . 10/23/2019
I love when silly fun Emmett is wise.
QueenGB chapter 7 . 10/23/2019
It seems like all 6 of them are being stubborn and trying to prove something. After college you mean to tell me they couldn’t find happy mediums. Jasper and Alice in NY or Edward and Bella in Seattle or even NOLA and Emmett and Rosalie can be anywhere since hey travel more than anything. Instead they date other people but never love them or in some cases even have sex. They name business for each other. Sad really. But tragedy usually makes you re-evaluate. I bet Emmett will be first as long as he isn’t the tragedy. *Sigh*.
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