Reviews for Prayer in the Night
With Pen and Paper chapter 18 . 12/29/2016
Best reaction to going into labor ever
Danae chapter 24 . 7/5/2016
Absolutely the best fanfiction I have ever read! This was wonderfully written, you truly have a gift. I know this was written awhile ago but I want to let you know that I have truly enjoyed reading it and that I am so sad it's over. Forever a Dean and Jo fan.
Anon chapter 24 . 12/29/2015
Hey! I know this is an old fic but I really love the story! I would love a one shot update on the gang. Do Jo and Dean have anymore kids? :)
The Mad Traveler chapter 24 . 11/21/2014
Yay! Happy ending! Hahahaha! I really loved this!
Guest chapter 24 . 10/22/2014
I know you wrote this a while ago, but i only just read it. Incredible, thankyou.
whack sparrow chapter 24 . 6/24/2014
riveting story! loved it every chapter of the way. i really liked the angel stuff, i thought you portrayed them really well and the lucifer thing was definitely the right thing to do!
Amber611 chapter 24 . 4/23/2014
Great fic and job, I really liked it! :)
Guest chapter 24 . 12/27/2013
What a great story line! I sure hope you plan on sequel!
Guest chapter 19 . 12/24/2013
So intense! Great story line!
Guest chapter 15 . 12/23/2013
So enjoying this story!
seiliewichts chapter 24 . 11/28/2013
*deep breath*

Wow. I finally finished this. And girl... one thing I really like in this story is your action scenes. They are awesome!
You are good at cliffhanger scenarios too. And jokes about Castiel... Dean pouting "be in love with a bird", and "lay eggs?" I still giggled remembering it. :)) Oh, and Louie and Ernie being late to the party? Classic. :))

I had for a moment feared that this would turn into a baby!fic. I'm glad I stayed though, because like you said, the baby is important, but it's not really a baby!fic either. ;)
seiliewichts chapter 15 . 11/26/2013
This chapter is awesome.

The little scene with the test pack made me giggle. And the scene in the Impala while Dean, Jo, and Cas are on the run is so real I keep clenching my hand around my pillow because of excitement. xD

Oh, and Dean's line.. "... ruin my life, doodling all over my fucking car, stupid, trench coat wearing…".

I absolutely love that. xD
seiliewichts chapter 10 . 11/25/2013
I love this chapter. The fight scene is good, that shirt sure didn't go to waste. xD

I noticed that Sam used his fake FBI badge. Now that... would be a good thing to appear in Chapter 7 to explain how they could manage to get Jo's body and belongings, including the murder case evidence, from the town cops as I mentioned on my previous comment. xD
seiliewichts chapter 7 . 11/25/2013
A part of me is sad with how everyone is gonna be sad because they think Jo is dead. But another part of me is somewhat "happy" with how this development makes Sam feel guilty. xD

This is a great chapter and the pace is picking up so I'm really excited. But I do think there's something strange about how the cops are handling Jo's murder. It is a murder case, and a horrible one at that. Even if it happens in a small town, I don't think the cops will release the body without so much as an autopsy (referring to Sam looking at Jo's gaping hole, because if she had been autopsied, the hole will be closed). And cops won't release the victim's personal belonging, much less the main evidence (Dean's knife) until an investigation has been conducted. Her personal belonging might be returned to the family if the cops decided that it is not important, but not the knife... if they haven't find the murderer.

So, IMO, It might be better to not involve the cops at all if Jo's body being buried and the appearance of Dean's knife is significant to the story.
seiliewichts chapter 5 . 11/25/2013
Ugh. I hate Ruby. :
And as much as I wanted to understand Sam's grief over Dean... Season 4 Sam annoyed me so much I just want to grab him by his collar, shake him and slap him until he come to his senses. -_-
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