Reviews for We Sleep Forever
Carottal chapter 5 . 7/9/2014
Hi there! So I am reading this story yet again (I don't know if I ever reviewed it as it was publised long before I created an account, before I got into this fandom so at a moment it seemed meaningless to review tis one when you were writing other ones. I can't tell you how many times I've read this one. A sane person may answer too many times but who is sane when it comes to guilty pleasures?
Anyway, I'll try to review the last chapter for a love declaration to this story if I've not done it yet. For now, I though I would try to make this reading helpful by pointing out the few remaining typos I noticed. There are 3 for now.

In a previous chapter, I'd say the 3rd or the 4th (I'm sorry I can't be more precise, I haven't figured out how to research on a page when browsing the internet on my 3DS) you wrote "foreword" instead of foreward.
In this one, you wrote "weather" instead of wether.
And there was a missing "is" in a sentence in a dialogue in this chapter. I don't remember the sentence but I think it was something like "I suppose it *missing is* blablabla."

If I see other typos, I tell you, unless you tell me not to of course (but how far will I be when I read your interdiction?).

Thank you for this awesomeness which is the plot of this fic and for writing on this fandom :)
MostlyxShortxStories chapter 7 . 4/17/2011
Lol yes; anything would have something more than Matt has brain cells XD

Front or back sounds so wrong XD Reminds me of that episode of Two and A Half Men, where Charlie Sheen is in that convertible with some chick, and they're speaking in double entendres, and they're phrases are something like "front and back", lol XD.

Ooo, Matt speaks German.

Blood forming a cross? Wicked ;)

Neat freak automaticall equals M.T., lol.

Yes, Matt. You are definitely missing something.

Poor Mello, so sick.

OH God, indeed.
MostlyxShortxStories chapter 6 . 4/17/2011
Okay, now it was definitely much easier to tell what he does for info. The beginnning was the obvious point, lol. I'm so slow. Though at first I thought he had viciously killed someone.

Good Jasper for worrying.

Actually, whenever I see his name, I think of Jasper from Twilight.

So, not even chocolate can be a comfort to Mello.

Omg that video. -cringe- Yeah, my blood would run cold too if that video was made for someone I knew.

Oh, Mello did it again -_-

Only one person to mark him? Nice. Hehe. I know who it is.

Damn, I want whiskey.

Lol at Matt's car.
MostlyxShortxStories chapter 5 . 4/17/2011
Oh, he recognized Mello.

What are you gonna do, Matt?

Oh wait, I already know XD.
MostlyxShortxStories chapter 4 . 4/17/2011
I tried so hard trying to figure out what it was that Mello would have to do in order to get info.

Then I found out.

You are a true person of torture.

I love it.
MostlyxShortxStories chapter 3 . 4/17/2011
Now I want some coffee. -literally goes to make some-

This chapter was a bit hard for me to really pay attention to and get the problems Mello was facing, but only because it was one in the morning when I read it. Lol.

So, people connected to Wammy's are dying.

I already know what happens at the end, since I waited til the end of the fic to review -_- Hehe.

Well, I feel bad for Mello.
MostlyxShortxStories chapter 2 . 4/17/2011
It's SO Matt, lol.

Y'know, I had a dream about this chapter last night, about the sex scene, but that it happened to someone I knew D:

It wasn't pleasant.

They were saved, though, in my dream.

Oh, btw, you said that the person is eighteen, and that it's been seven years since he left. So would he have left at age eleven? Kuz I think I remembere reading that Mello was fourteen when Matt left, and Matt would have been thirteen when he left, and seven years would make him twenty, not eighteen.

Agh, I'm too technical.

Or I'm just missing some sort of timeskip O.o
MostlyxShortxStories chapter 1 . 4/17/2011
Mmkay, I started reading this last night on my phone, and I finished it today and began reading Not An Angel.

Now, I'm finally on my laptop, where it's much easier to review.

I love this chapter, and yes, I'm going to review them all (: I like how it starts out, and dang, I didn't know that having only five minutes to write three pages would get his score so high.

Procrastination DOES work.

Or Matt is much more a genius than anyone gives him credit for _
tealeyedmoon69 chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
Aw, Mello, you made Matt leave! Not nice! XD
crispybutts chapter 12 . 11/23/2010
OH GOOD LORD. You scared me for a minute.
crispybutts chapter 11 . 11/23/2010
;_; NOOOOO~.
crispybutts chapter 6 . 11/23/2010
ugh. i love this already(:
Deadly Nightshade1395 chapter 11 . 10/28/2010
You never leave your purse at home if it has body spray in it. Tsk tsk Matt.
yvonna chapter 13 . 8/5/2010
i liked your story and will read the naa story
Pink Tubby Custard chapter 13 . 5/15/2010
Great story :) I loved it very much I hope there is a squeal. :D
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