Reviews for Rules of Conduct
luvnanofate chapter 1 . 1/3/2019
First off "don't worry about audience!", they will get over it. You write what you want to write, period, whether liked or not liked. I appreciate how serious you put this story together. 2nd to ShizNat, I like this my-Hime pairing the most. I came from a Christian. family who believed gay people were abominations, disgusting as Haruka put it. But they do at least follow their holy books truly as that is what they say, though apparently the nasty Leviticus scriptures appear to have been changed by late first century b.c.e. scribes as the original text did not appear to prohibit same sex couplings until much later factions decided to outlaw them. My older brother was gay, up until his early death and was disowned by my parents and called horrible things, etc. Fortunately, I left religion just before leaving home and found much happiness in humanism, just plain caring about the human race. I lived my early and mid adult life in a place that was very open minded, accepting many gay friends and becoming an avid supporter of LGBT rights. I wish my brother would have lived to see gay marriage legal here. I am so happy for all the writers and readers here that also are supportive. Thanks again for another well written story and for being supportive.
Arizona, USA
0mniessence chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
Aww, YAY! Happy ending! It would have been better if Natsuki wore a dress, too, though -3-... and if Haruka and Yukino went to have some fun at the dance, even if it was for a little while. Still, I LOVED IT!


Blackfang64 chapter 1 . 1/28/2010
Alas, that was so powerful and beautiful. A very nice Yukino and Haruka story, glad things worked out for the two. Be proud for yourself, you did an excellent job at writing this and this has been a good read.
eclairz chapter 1 . 11/16/2009
wow, for being a harukayukino fans, you sure write shiznat beautifully in here. totally love their reactions in this fic~


all the best!
krugern chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
Cute one-shot. Laughed at Shizuru letting Haruka realize her own mistakes. Loved how Yukino was so out of it that she missed correcting all the mistakes Haruka made. Loved how Yukino stood up to Haruka. Hope you do more Haruka/Yukino fics.
Kiros Razer chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
I really enjoyed this fic.
DezoPenguin chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
Hey, really nice work here! I like how you developed Haruka and Yukino, particularly with Haruka's steadily realizations of what she's hiding within herself, as well as Yukino's developing strength of character (coming out of her timid shell and starting to become someone not too unlike her Otome-verse version). Though spending seven thousand words in Haruka's head can be an experience!

The only off note was the reference to Shizuru planning to stay back a year, since we know from the extended ending that she went on to university...though of course she did stay at Fuuka's college branch, so maybe Reito's just confused...or just screwing with Haruka's head (a year of Shizuru with no one to keep an eye on her!).
M chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
E.M.PRAETORIAN chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
Great read...from one shipper to another...thank you.

You handled these characters with the full range of confused emotions and the eventual uneasy dawn of understanding.

A perfect one-shot for a great couple.

elder master
Katchoo chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
Very good piece of work
TooLazyToLogIn chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
Very nice! Thanks for the entertaining read. _