Reviews for Possession
Shyeraun chapter 1 . 11/28/2014
I can see why you have such trouble with dialogue my dear, your art is with the visual, the emotional, and honestly, for those who have this talent the words often just get in the way. I feel what Hakkai is feeling, i sense what he is sensing, i hear what he hears as if i am him, and it is your writing that gives me this glimpse into his soul. you are an amazing writer and i Pray you never give up on your obvious passion. If you really want to be better with the dialogue then i know you will be, with time and patience and practice, but your writing is so visual, so emotional, that you are able to tell a story with no dialogue at all. thankyou for sharing your work, i am most privileged to be allowed to see what you see. Thankyou.
incurableinsanity chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
I like this and how its from Hakkai's point of view. Nice work :)
NightFox15 chapter 1 . 1/25/2012
I greatly enjoyed this story. You portrayed Hakkai's struggle to let Kanan go very realistically. This story was very well written and enjoyable, and if you have any more Saiyuki stuff, I would be most delighted to read it.

MoonyMarauder chapter 1 . 6/5/2011
Loved it! Especially where Gojou beat Hakkai by stating that Cho Hakkai was his!

ChOFee chapter 1 . 4/26/2011

I found this really IC and I just love how you write Hakkai. Great job, thank you for sharing.
Fatenight chapter 1 . 4/24/2011
Really nice and cute)))
KuroNekoShoujo chapter 1 . 1/17/2011
Aww! That was so sweet! I loved it! Gojyo/Hakkai is probably my favorite pairing for this series, and this fic just portrayed them so well! Amazing work! _~
junjouLYN chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
Omg that was so freaking nice! I believe it's the first time i'm tearing for a smut! Love the way gojyo just wants to have it his own way. Melting hakkai away~ awww...
Rewer chapter 1 . 6/7/2010
OMFG, that was the most wonderful 58 story I've ever read!

My friend e-mailed me the link to this fic, and at first I thought like "oh it's that 'Canan forever' mothif" :(

But nonetheless out of boredom I started to read that and... I was just stunned and breathles and thrilled!

The story, the characters, the language and all of this were absolutely wonderful, so intense and deep and touching and emotional! Oh, it made me almost cry...

Your Hakkai is just like I see him, wounded and yet alive~ He and Gojyo are perfect couple - just like you write them, it is true and touching and oh so believable!

ThANK YOU milliom of times for the most wonderful story!
emma chapter 1 . 12/28/2009
wow jeez thats amazing i love it please write more :) its so good wow im sad that it wasnt longer i didnt want to stop reading. i wish i could write like that.
Emile Amadare chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
oh my god... That was AMAZING. The most amazing thing I've ever read. That is talent. I'm glad you finished it
Blossomwitch chapter 1 . 10/25/2009
This... this was beautiful. I don't know what else to say. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL and perfect in every way.
ButterflyMay chapter 1 . 8/26/2009
I am speechless, that was brilliant. I have read so many stories about Hakkai and gojyo where Hakkai was sad for Kanan and Gojyo was trying to help but none of them were at this level of excellence, the emotion of Hakkai was the most beautiful part, characters are perfectly described too.


PS: yeah the smut was small though.
akirareader chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
so good i almost cried
DaynaJD chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
Holy hell, that was some good smut. And a good story, too. Rare that those two things end up in the same piece of work. _